I'm Perfectly Well

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A piece of me has been broken away,
As the pain builds deep in my chest.

I hide my tears and tell you all is okay,
But my aching heart just wont rest.


The smile on my face is far from real,
Though you believe it every time.

All those times you ask how I feel,
So you dont worry I say I'm fine.


What's deep inside so that you dont see,
I keep locked away safe and sound,

That locked away part is a piece of me,
And it dont like to be kept bound.


It seeks out release in the form of pain,
Whether it be from beating or a blade.

Leaving a mark that I'll have to explain,
Because it takes so long for it to fade.


But don't worry for me I'm perfectly well,
I'll pull myself together once again.

I'll show you my smile as if I never fell,
And hide my wounds as they mend.

Poems and Stuff Part 2Where stories live. Discover now