Momma's Babies....

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Wrapped up in your blanket of blue, the nurse places you in my arms

Our eyes meet for the first time, I vow to protect you from all dangers and harm

I laughed at your first feeding, you latched on so hungrily making the cutest little noise

I knew right then, that you will be different from the all the other boys


Three days later I brought you home, to a house full of family and guest.

They all cooed and awe passing you around, I watched so proudly knowing I was blessed.

One by one they slowly left, leaving just you and me to get to know one another

Holding you close to my chest, tears start to fall, it finally sinks in that I am your mother


A little bundle all wrapped up in pink, brand new to this big wide world

I rock you gently as I pull the blanket back, looking at my beautiful baby girl

You blink up at me pursing your pouty little lips, then you start to cry

It's all perfectly clear why the tears, I don't even have to wonder why


Time flies by, days, months, gone in a flash of worries, heartaches, and tears

You have given me a run for my money over these past nine wonderful years

For all that you have gone though, it has made you who you are today

An eager little girl, wild and rambunctious, always ready to play


Over the years we have grown together, me teaching you as much as you taught me

With you two as my babies, I am as proud as any mommy could ever be

This year my baby boy became a little man, and my baby girl into a little lady

But remember no matter how old or big you get, you will always be Momma's babies...

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