Lone Wolf

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He wonders these woods alone,

Not to seek out a mate.

No one noticed he was gone,

Not before it was too late.


He ran far from his pack,

He was not one to fit in.

Not once did he look back,

Now his new life can begin.


In the solitude of the mossy trees,

Deep in a Louisiana swamp,

He is as happy as he can be,

With everything he could want.


He can lay on the murky floor,

To bathe in the moon light.

No one to complain anymore,

That he's not doing it right.


There is no fighting for food,

And dependence of others.

No having to control his mood,

or no clinging smotherers.


He'll take a lover for a time,

to satisfy his hungry needs.

Never does he call them 'Mine',

No matter how much they plead.


The lone wolf has his rules,

And lives life his way.

He will not be taken for a fool,

So in his woods he will stay.

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