My Angel of Darkness

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"Why are you weeping?" he whispered across my ear

I leaned towards his breath as he slowly appears

"I've been waiting for you, to come take me away

For my time is done here, I no longer want to stay."


"It can't be that bad, my darling." He says grabbing my hands.

"What has hurt you so bad, to make you leave this land?"

He pulls me to my feet and wipes the tears from my eyes

The tears continue to fall, but it's not sadness making me cry


He has finally come to claim what's his, to take me into the dark

I know once we are there together, we will never be apart

I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight

I am ready to go now, to finally take this flight


"My Angel of Darkness, what has taken you so long?

I have been waiting, since you've been gone."

He lowered his head and took a deep shakey breath

"I have always been here love." And points to my chest.

Poems and Stuff Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz