Silence of the Night

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Slowly walking, eyes searching for lights.

It's awfully dark on this Halloween night.

You've dressed up in the blackest black,

Time for some scaring, you've got the knack.


You break from the group, not knowing where you are.

Turning in circles, thinking you couldn't have gone far,

Nothing but only shadowed trees can be seen on this street,

And the night's chatter barely heard over your dragging feet.


Suddenly everything goes silent, nothing can be heard.

Not a cricket, a frog, nor a squawking bird.

Your eyes widen and your heart starts pounding fast,

As you hear a swishing sound when something passed.


You jump and scream at the gruesome sound,

Then its on you in a flash, taking you to the ground.

You panic and scream trying to push it away.

But you are going no where, you are now its prey.


It bites at your face and claws at your chest!

You lay there gasping, you fought your best.

Now you have become the torn and bloody feast,

That satisfies and calm this hungry beast.


The silence of the night ringing in your ears,

let's you know there is something to fear.

When there are no sounds or noises of the night,

you can be sure that a predator has you in its sight.

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