Shootin it with Gus

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I sit down with a gnome in my hand

As the moon and stars light up the lands

A cooler of Tall Boys sitting on ice

Cold beer and the night is our paradise


We pop the top and take a swig

Our eyes widen, it is so big

We point up to the sky no to far

at the brightest ever shooting star


I make a wish, hoping it will come true

And hand you the gnome I brought for you

You take it with a smile and hold it tight

As you sit down with a thank you, on my right


We lay on the grown hands behind our heads

Thanking the skies that the clouds have fled

With perfect view of the big black felt

You point up and show me Orion's Belt


The stars and night is what we talk about

Not hugs and kisses or even pouts

when the stars are out they cannot hide,

I find all the constellations with Gus by my side. .


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