I've been Tagged!!!

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@HRHpotterhead tagged me, the little... *clears throat* Ball of Sunshine that she is!!

Okay 10 things that make me HAPPY!!!

1. The way something I do or say puts a smile on your face. So, making you happy makes me happy.

2. The way the sun kisses the tops of the trees at the break of dawn and it makes them look ablaze.

3. The way the moon lights up the land, breaking into the darkness to make it clear to see.

4. The first cry of a new born baby, letting everyone know a miracle has been made.

5. The gentle caress of my mothers touch, as she soothes my worries and fears away.

6. The laughter and happiness of a child, that speaks straight to your heart.

7. How close my family is. We may not always agree, but we are there for one another.

8. The way music hits my soul, and bring me peace of mind.

9. Knowing that I have people who love me, no matter what I may do or say.

There are so many things I could have listed here, things I left out or just didnt say. Or I could have just made one word answers like:
Well I wanted to be a little more creative, to challenge myself with these 10 things. So number 10... lets see how creative I can get for ya..

10. It makes me happy that God allows me to wake up every morning, and lets me make the choices I make whether they are wrong or right. The way he doesnt turn his back on me in my time of need, because I have strayed from the right path. The way he forgives me when I sink to my weakest moments, and I ask for forgiveness. The way he makes it rain to not only to give Earth a drink, but bathes me in his glory. God makes me happy, as he constantly lets me know that he is always there, holding my hand or carrying me when I need him most and when I don't.

Ahhh.. hear ya go.. just 10 things that make me happy..

I tag anyone reading this that has not already been tagged.. you know who you are.. go forth and spread your happiness. =)

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