Broke Me Down

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I broke today,

let the emotions get to me.

Words you say.

cut deep in my heart, you see.


A wound reopened,

has cut me down to size.

My bleeding heart,

the scars, I cannot hide.


All this pain,

with room for it's regrets.

And the anger,

that the mirror reflects.


All the sorrows,

that keeps me in tangles.

Even the guilt,

in my mind that dangles.


The overwhelming anxiety,

that weighs heavy in my chest.

The constant sadness,

that outweighs all the rest.


The deep worrying,

that keeps my feet pacing.

The greedy selfishness,

that keeps my heart racing.


In one instant,

the sight of your tearful frown.

Was my undoing,

is what finally broke me down.

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