Loving You Without Touching You

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My hands ache to slide across your delicate skin,
To give you goosebumps every now and then.
They want to feel every inch and curve of what they crave most,
But in my grasp you are nothing more than a phantom ghost.
My lips burn in need to feel yours against mine,
And pray that sooner or later there will come a time.
They want to be pressed to you never breaking for rest,
But here in reality its just me, only my single breath.
My body longs to grovel in your lingering heat,
Causing my fragile heart to skip a few beats.
To be snuggled up happily wrapped in your arms,
But then it all goes away at the sound of the alarm.
My heart begins to pound with just mere thoughts,
Causing my mind to race and without a doubt get lost.
I am always wondering the same thing each day through,
How will I live out my life loving you without touching you?

Poems and Stuff Part 2Where stories live. Discover now