Stormy Days

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Stormy days fill my heart,
With happiness and cheer.
The way it smells before it comes,
Lets me know when its near.
Dark clouds quickly rolling in,
Looking ready to destroy.
Lightning striking in its path,
Makes me jump for joy.
One one thousand, two one thousand,
Hear the deep thunder roar.
The ground rumbles beneath my feet,
There is a warning to stay indoors.
The wind whips the trees about
Swaying them from side to side.
Leaves twirling around in the air,
The breeze taking them for a ride.
Finally the rain comes down,
To pelt upon my smiling face.
I lift my arms in the air begging,
For it to take me to that place.
Then the winds died down,
And the rain stopped falling.
The lightning doesn't strike,
And the thunder stops calling.
Suddenly, the Sun shines though,
And she pushed the storm away .
Warms my soul with her love,
And makes me want to stay.

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