She kept her head down and walked around the candles, avoiding dancing green eyes that didn't stray from her. Clarke mistakenly looked her way and met those green eyes once more. She quickly turned back to the floor, walking faster. She didn't notice the new scent display that was set up by the exit, her foot twisted and she stumbled.

"Woah!" Lexa said, one hand gripping her shoulder and the other gripping her elbow, holding her up. Clarke gaped at her a bit, feet shaking like a newfound fowl. Lexa's friend stood behind her, eyes narrowed as they took in Clarke. Clarke couldn't help noticing just how prettier she was up close and how green her eyes were.

"Hi." Lexa said, one of her hands still gripped Clarke's shoulder, her friend rolled her eyes from behind her.

"Ugh, I'm going to Starbucks. These candles are giving me a fucking headache." Anya said, glaring slightly at Clarke before walking out. Lexa waved over her shoulder nonchalantly, eyes still glued to Clarke.

"....Hi." Clarke said, after she finished gaping at the brunette. Lexa's eyebrow quirked a bit, before she resumed her nonchalant face. She realized she was still gripping Clarke's shoulder and awkwardly patted it before letting go.

"I'm Lexa."


"I know." Clarke stared, surprised and a little elated. She wondered who Lexa had questioned for her name. "You're wearing a nametag." Lexa pointed out. Clarke fingered her nametag and let out an awkward chuckle, feeling dumb.

"Oh, right."

"Are you leaving?"

"Uhm, yes. For my break." Her ears were burning, as was her face, and she was more than sure that the two idiots she called friends were full on staring. The amused quirk of Lexa's lips as she looked over Clarke's shoulder confirmed her suspicions.

"That's too bad." Lexa said, grabbing a candle from the display. She looked away from Clarke, fingers tapping on the candle. "I was hoping to talk to you, but I'm interrupting your break." Clarke stuttered to reply but Lexa was already grabbing the candle. She shot stunned Clarke a smile and patted her shoulder again. "See you next week, Clarke." She smiled once and weaved towards the cash register.

Clarke stood, head craning and gaping as she watched Lexa reach into the back pocket of what Clarke realized were very tight jeans.

Clarke met Raven's eye, caught, and she laughed, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive matter. Clarke flipped her and left the store, cheeks still red. She'd see her next week indeed.


Clarke was a mess the whole week; she couldn't sleep or drink and she spent her days just waiting and anticipating Friday at six. It was driving her friends insane and Raven even invited her to a frat party in the hope to run into Lexa or Anya, Lexa's blonde friend. They didn't run into either and Clarke ended up getting so drunk she had a perpetual headache for almost four days.

She made sure to get extra ready on Friday morning, drying her hair, applying some expensive mascara her mother had gifted her. She spent so much time that she was late to work. Indra was less than happy and made her stock all the new candles, a job every worker hated.

The day passed very slowly and Clarke could hardly keep her bundle of nerves at bay. Raven and Octavia certainly didn't help and teased her throughout the shift. They pointed to the door, gasping in surprise and whispered 'she's here', crashing her hopes as soon as they had taken off. She ignored them for the rest of her shift and just stocked. She was stocking the peach Bellini's when someone tapped on her shoulder. Clarke became startled and almost dropped the candle she was holding.

Clexa One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora