✔️Chapter 27: Unexpected Visit (pt. 3)

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Aliana's POV

"Hey," says Greyson nonchantly, his eyes glinted with interest while I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I spat, preventing the tears in my eyes to fall down because of his stupidity.

I mustn't cry because of an idiot. I will not shame myself in front of a stupid guy.

Greyson smirks. "Attending your birthday party, what's so bad about it?"

"You aren't invited." I say, my fists curling into balls. I couldn't take in his cockiness and pride anymore.

"Everyone's invited," He grins, offering me my hand. "Do you want to dance?"

I took in a sharp breath. "Get out of here, now."

"I'd rather get out, but with you." He says in a mocking sweet tone before pulling out a gun from his other hand and pointing it at me.

I froze. Everyone in the Gym did. They were all looking at me and Greyson horrifyingly, then I see Ariana run to my side.

"I let you out of her side, and now you come back to bug us?! Leave us alone, you'll never get her!" Ariana cries, holding my arm caringly while I can't help but sob in her arms.

Greyson let out a devilish chuckle. "I always get the girl." Then he pulled the trigger as the bullet strikes through my left leg.

I hissed in pain as I collapse to the floor. Ariana gasps as she took hold of me, instinctively putting her hand around the wound to prevent it from bleeding much.

Cole and Kaye ran up to me, while my other friends are completely shocked from what happened.

"Greyson, you will f*cking pay for this." Cole roared while he lunged to Greyson, sending them to the floor, fighting each other's dear life. I never seen Cole so angry and frustrated before.

Kristin and Matt were shooing away the cameras, Yaffa was dialing the ambulance, and Nate was calling the cops from afar so that Greyson wouldn't see him and that he wouldn't escape.

Sam tried to seperate the two from fighting while I try not to yell in pain, but now, I think my whole left leg is numb and barely can't move.

"Are you okay?... Of course you're not, what am I saying?" Ariana said, acting all too panicked.

Kaye pulled out a yellow shawl from her bag as she wrapped it around my leg. I can see her fingers shaking as she did so, so I held her shoulder and she looks at me, eyes glistened with tears.

"You're gonna be okay, promise me." Kaye cried, holding my hand while I let out a choked sob and a chuckle.

"It-it's just a minor shot. It's just my leg, Kaye, not my whole cardiovascular system! I promise I'll be fine." I assure her, and Kaye nods frantically.

I look at Cole and Greyson, who were still fighting over and I can't help but to tell them to stop. So I screamed "stop" for almost a million times but they wouldn't budge. Matt and Nate tried to help, but instead Greyson threatened to shoot them if they help Cole out.

Cole looks at me and sends me a tight smile before I see Greyson holding a vase that was angled to be thrown at Cole's head.

Everything went slow at that time. I got up on my feet, forgetting the pain shooting on my left leg and ran towards the chaos. I screamed Cole's name but he didn't get what I tried to warn him. I didn't know what happened next because everything went black and all I heard was glass shattering.

(A/N: I really, really wanted to end at this point to give you guys a suspense cliffy, but I guess that if I end here, this chapter would be a short chappie... urgh. Carry on, fellas.)

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