✔️Chapter 22: Star Wars & Harry Potter

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yaffa_rosas (Yaffa Rosas),

ItssTada (Kristine Tada)


gweysunchance (Hannah Pangilinan)

Because you're the best-est friends in the world (for me) and the best supporters, YOU DESERVE A SURPRISE.

Just wait for it... You'll read it soon ;)


Aliana's POV


I was listening to Simple Plan's "Summer Paradise" while singing my heart out in the shower (yo I'm a professional bathroom singer and I'm proud of it) and then suddenly Kaye barged in while I scream, covering my bare body fast with a towel while I glare at her from the blurred steamy shower curtains.

"Dude, I was having a shower. A freaking shower." I say flatly to Kaye then she gave me an apologetic smile.

"Can I have a bit of your shampoo? My whole bottle got flushed down the toilet," She said airily while I heaved a grunt and threw her my bottle of shampoo while she smiled, "Thanks, sistah."

Then she goes out locking the door while I let out an exasperated sigh.

That is why I always remind Kaye to close her toilet seat always so that if she throws her shampoo bottle again, it'll be down on the toilet again. Clogged toilets aren't really nice.

After 5 minutes or so, I was done as I wrapped myself up in a towel while I head to my walking closet. Yeah, a freaking walking (not really walking, duh) closet.

I picked up a blue shirt with black & white clouds that says "Okay? Okay." (A/N: did you guys watch TFIOS? I cried throughout the whole movie!), white knee shorts, a gray hoodie and my black uggs.

It was our second day at Harvard, and we decided to meet few of our neighbors, so I have to dress up nice and cute- adding a little swag.

As a matter of fact, I just wanted to stay home and watch morbid movies or play basketball or tennis in Wii. I'm a bit of shy to new people before. I'm a bit of socially awkward when I was fifteen. And then I'm kinda used to it since Ariana joins me on a couple of her tours and lets me sing to her fans. I know that there's nothing better than sisters.

After dressing up, I sit on my study table and logged in to my YouTube channel: TheGrandeAliana. Yeah, nice username there, but it's totally cute.

I made 14 vlogs already, and I have over a million subscribers! It was pretty cool, being famous and all. I even made collaborations with Zoella, Jack & Finn, Connor Franta, Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg, Marcus Butler to name a few. Being a YouTuber has its perks, you get paid up by YouTube just to post a vlog if you're a YouTube partner. And I am one of them. It's like one of my jobs.

Scrolling through my notifications, people are asking me to do a wee bit of more challenges and tutorials and a few of my funny adventures.

I laugh as I catch the memory of me and Zoella at a local supermarket, almost dragging all of the Pop Tarts and Nuttela into our cart, with us eventually posting the situation cuz we recorded it with my monopod. We didn't even pay for the Nuttela and the Pop Tarts, since we left our cart on the store. Most of my videos are on Zoella's account, since she's the one inviting me. I just have 3 vlogs with her on my account, while she has over ten on hers.

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