✔️Chapter 1: The Auditions

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"Aliana!" my blonde friend shouts my name as she ran towards me, not minding the prescence of bumping students.

Don't worry, everybody's used to that girl. Everyone. Everytime that girl bumps a person, that person will just give her death glares or throw swears at her, but Kaye doesn't mind at all.

So Kaye is known as the-girl-who-bumps-people-like-an-idiot-kind-of-gal. Trust me, she even got detention for a whole week just by bumping Principal Strauss at the cafeteria, and Principal Strauss' food was all splattered at her favorite beige wool coat.

Poor, poor little child.

I glanced at my over-acting best friend and waved at her.

"Hi, Kaye!" I smile then she stopped in her tracks and gasped for air.

"Singing - " she pants. "-auditions - " then she wipes the sweat off of her forehead. "-today!" she squeals.

I let out a squeal before shaking her shoulders. "Really? That's awesome, dude!"

"I know right! What are you going to sing?" She asks, her owl earrings dangling.

"I think, Die In Your Arms, Ariana Grande's version!" I rambled out, but then I remembered the her name. Ariana Grande. She's my sister but nobody knows that I'm her sister. No one even my friends.

"That's a good choice!" Kaye grinned, interrupting my train of thoughts.

As we heard the class bell, Kaye and I ran to our respective homerooms as we hear the locker doors shut and the squeak of brand new rubber shoes running with their owners. Been there, done that. Kaye and I went to our seats as we brought out our textbooks and notepads. Other students came in as they go on to their seats too.

All of us were giggling and rambling other stuff. Like Maddie Spencer, who always giggle about how cute Austin Mahone was. And guess what? Austin Mahone was MY classmate. It bothers me a little, since it's odd that he's supposed to be out there to do concerts, but still chose to study. Aw, what a guy.

"Hey, Ali! May I borrow a ballpen? I kinda left mine," Austin asked me, fiddling with his fingers.

I chuckled, "Hey! You're famous! How come you don't have a ballpen if you're rich enough to buy a million ballpens? Haha, just kidding. Here!" I handed him my extra ballpen as he laughed.

"Thanks!" he winked then turned back to his seat.

"Slut!" Dianne Kingston shouted, glaring at me.

I smirked, "Oh, am I the slut? I think the the girl who steals other girls' boyfriends is the only slut in the university!" All of us laughed while Dianne glared at me like she's shooting daggers at me, but I missed! Naht, kidding.

She tucked a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear while she rolled her eyes. Mean girls nowadays, you cannot flunk them.

The classroom door creaked open and revealed Ms. Rosie, our spanish teacher -but teaches AP Calculus-who always smells like french toast and cranberry juice.

All of us stood up and greeted her, "Good morning, Ms. Rosie." Ms. Rosie nodded in sign for us to sit down. We all sat in silence as we watched her flip her class record for the attendance.

For after a minute, she began calling names like a turtle. Then after, Ms. Rosie announced the classroom rules for the trillionth time of my whole life. Some of my classmates were just dozing off, interested at their nails, drawing, spitting little crumpled pieces of paper with a straw and just daydream. Me? Drawing is my thing.

I grabbed my sketch book and drawed some trees with birds fluttering over the tree. I drawed flowers, too. Someday, I want to be a florist. Ha, are you wondering why I wanted to be a florist? I'm just in love with flowers, that's all.

"Class, have you understood the rules?" Ms. Rosie asked.

"Yes, Ms. Rosie!" all of us agreed, even though we didn't listen to her.


I snorted to myself. She's too shallow.

Then afterwards, we heard a knock at the door. All of us glanced to Ms. Rosie, who is already opening the door for the visitor. It was a tall guy with a black suit and shades. An agent, maybe? I don't know, something like that, perhaps. Ooh, he's one of those MIBs (Men In Black), right?

The guy said, "Sorry for the interruption. May I excuse those who will join the singing auditions? Because they'll be performing today and we'll be finding a representative for the school to compete other schools, here in America."

The whole room erupted with sighs as I stood up with Austin, Kaye, Dianne and Lance, a Chinese foreign exchange student.

"That should be us," Austin said, going outside as we follow him. All of us said our goodbyes to Ms. Rosie and our classmates were bidding good lucks to us as we went to the auditorium.

I don't know why Austin had to join the competition, because he was already a singer. Heh, but I really don't care.

The auditorium was packed. There are lots of students coming from 3rd grade to 12th grade. I gulped as I watch them practice so harmonious. Kaye slipped her hand into mines as she did the same thing-being nervous. Then after, the tall guy let us sit in the 2nd row in front of the stage. Austin was in my left while Kaye was in my right.

"If you're nervous, just think that no one's watching you. You can do it, Ali." Austin smiled as I smiled back.

I sighed, "Thanks Aust. Thanks for the tip." He nodded as I went to practice the song all by myself by humming it.

After minutes of practicing, a voice came out from the microphone.

"Good morning, students! I'm Principal Geraldine Strauss and let me introduce you... Our judges!" Our principal greets as we clap our hands to show respect.

Then after the applause stopped, Principal Strauss continued. "We all know that you all know our judges today! They are all famous, and came from this school since they were younglings." She continued as we applauded again.

"I present to you... Mr. Mario Lopez, a well-known interviewer from TMZ!" She said as we all started to squeal in joy of seeing him. Mario came out with his usual smile as he walked to the side of our principal.

Principal Strauss handed him the microphone as all of us stopped squealing to hear him. "Hi, Ridgeview High! I remember when I studied here, it was one of the greatest moments of my life. Damn, Principal Strauss! You haven't aged!" He jokes while all of us laughed.

He laughed as he spoke again. "Now, I present to you, one of the judges! We all know this lovely lady! Because anyone who doesn't has got one less problem without her! I present to you, the lovely Ariana Grande!"

The students squealed again and I was left in total silence. What did he said? Ariana Grande? Here? In person? My sister?

Ariana came into the stage with a beautiful pink dress with a ribbon at her back as she waved at the students and blowed kisses. "How are you, Ridgeview?" she asked us, turning the microphone to us. They all squealed.

My sister... Whom I hadn't seen in the last 5 years, is here?

I tried to hold back my tears as I fake a smile for the other students. I try not to look at my sister, but I just can't resist the urge to hug her or weep in front of her. I just can't.


First chappie ok bye

Ello ladies and gentlemen. Find out what happens next in le story. Is it good? I hope it is :)

xx, sirenfatale

Edited on April 21, 2015

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