✔️Chapter 4: Flashbacks & Cocoa

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This chapter is dedicated to babiez_12308 because she gave a sweet comment ;)

(P.S. I'm going to add some Song Of The Chapter *SOTC* at the end of each chapter to add a little fun!)


Aliana's POV

"...And what you did to me back then when we were little, was the most selfish thing in the world." I finish as I part away from her.

I opened the plastic blue door of the room and revealed a couple of paparazzis taking pictures. I scowl at them as I ran away from the sea of media workers.

They could get any job, right? A job that doesn't involve minding others businesses. Being a paparazzi is one of the hardest works of all time, and they just want their salary, and they don't care if they're causing turmoil on other people's lives.

I ran and ran as I tried to wipe away my tears - but I failed and stopped in my tracks. I tried to stop tearing up as I wiped away my tears in the soft sweater my aunt gave me. It's winter, duh? It's already November, and it's starting to snow around the streets.

I heard the stomps and questions of people behind me as I ran again. I passed the huge school gate as I ran towards the empty sidewalk. I can feel the stares and murmurs of other people boaring into my pale skin. I tried to not mind it as I squeeze my temples, and breathe heavily.

I was running until I noticed that I was running slowly, while I clutch my chest. I was have asthma, anorexia, insmonia and depression. Yes, I am that troubled when Ariana left, but I was born with asthma.

Rubbing my sleeves, I noticed again the scars on my wrists as I pull the sleeve back. Yes, I've been trying to stop hurting myself but I'm always stressed nowadays. I always had been escaping out from my cousin's house-my cousin's name is Samantha, I kinda loved the fact as her parents were my parents-just to cut myself with razors in medicine boxes. It literally became a habit.

I ran as fast as I can as flashbacks entered my mind.

"NO! ARIANA, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" the 12 year old me told the 16 year old Ariana. She dragged her new red suitcase with her as tears streamed down her face. She left her bag and walked towards me.

She whispered, "Aliana? Please, listen. I need to have money to fill your needs. Our family needs. We can have a better life, Ali."

I hugged her. "Please, don't go. I need you here, please!" I pleaded as she broke the hug and ran towards the limousine provided by the company who hired her.

Instead of saying goodbye, I cried my heart out. I ran towards the car and knocked on the window shield. Ariana opened it and kissed my forehead, she held my hand as she squeezed it tightly.

"I love you, Aliana,"

"I love you too, Ariana."

She let her grip from my hand slip away. She closed the window as the car drove away. I was supposed to run towards the car, but my parents grabbed me. Their faces were sad. They were a storm. I was a hurricane.

From that day, I never ate, nor sleep. It was the cause of my insomnia and anorexia. I never talked to anybody, I didn't go to school because I was frequently sick.

Then I caught pneumonia and almost died, and Ariana still didn't visit me on the hospital.

That was the day when I turned my back against her. I realized that se didn't care less about me. I was just a loved material used by her.

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