✔️Chapter 7: Skating & Knowing

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Aliana's POV

"I'm back!" Ariana's voice rang in my ear and I shot my head up and quickly ran to her and gave her a big and tight hug; like a little girl squishing her teddy bear.

Ariana hugged back as I stick a beam on my face. This is what her hug feels like since she left, I thought.

I broke the hug and asked her, "Care for some famous hot cocoa; especially made by Sam?"

She smiled and agreed, "Of course!" then I rushed into the kitchen counter and shouted, "One Hot Cocoa made by Sam, coming right up!" And I swear that I can imagine her smiling at the living room.

I sighed, I was totally confused by my emotions right now. Whether I'm mad or relieved; I still want to be enthusiastic for Ariana. I portrayed my loneliness for this one. But in fact, I'm loving it.

And, duh, it's Saturday so there are no classes in eleventh grade right now; including me. I'm a Junior, by the way. And I still have to read thick history textbooks and ask for gallons of Samantha's hot cocoa for next week's periodical exams. And poo, we have to get ready for finals next month.

Anyways, I went to the kitchen and asked Samantha to make two mugs of her special cocoa. Her cocoa wasn't like those Swiss Miss powdered ready-to-drink packets. Samantha was just doing it all by herself. I plant the cocoa from the cocoa seeds, and then she gets the cocoa and then does the procedure of squishing and cracking the cocoa contents and boiling them. That is all and then she just buys the small bits of marshmallows at the supermarket nearby. And, that is how the world-famous Samantha cocoa has been born.

Born from heaven? Nah.

Oh my God I think I'm literally rambling about her cocoa for like forever.

After a few minutes, I came back to Ariana with two, hot steamy mugs held by my gloved hands. She gratefully took one and took a nice, gentle sip from it and returns with a genuine smile on her lips.

This time, she was more beautiful than yesterday. She was wearing a beautiful black vignette coat with white laces at its collars, she was wearing brown gloves, a brown beanie and Chuck Taylor black snow boots. She was a fashion model too. Well duh she's one of the most beautiful women in the world.

"Speaking of which, can we go ice skating today? I kinda have the mood to skate. Can we?" Ariana pleaded, making her puppy eyes that I've always loved from those past years.

I simply gave in and approved, but at the same time, I was disagreeing. "You don't know how to skate. You suck at it." I told her as I stick my tongue out.

"Pweaty Pwease? You're just going to teach me how to balance and not to wabble." Ariana pleaded once again as I already grunted in approval.

"YAY! GO CHANGE YOUR OUTFIT AND WE'RE GONNA ROCK THE SKATING RINK!" Ariana squealed as she pushed me to my room and slammed the door in my face. She is so happy-go-lucky today.

I walked in my closet and started with a plain white Hollister shirt, a light pink skirt which is up to my knees and topped it with a beige overall coat. Plus, worn-out charcoal boots and my old white but clean earmuffs. All together known as new-but-old outfit. I'm totally fine with it. All my clothes are old and new. But everything that I need can put a price tag on it, not just to buy clothes but I want to buy lots of cheap antique Shakespeare booklets. I am so hopeless romantic. Not literally.


"My feet can't afford to wait to your absolute slowness in changing your clothes. But look at the bright side, you have a taste for winter fashion. You can be my executive fashion director." Ariana rambled as we walk on the snowy sidewalk just to be at the skating rink.

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