✔️Chapter 23: Boredom Suckz

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Look, that night when Morgan scared the shit out of me, I swear that I didn't want to go out of my room.

I was scared. Scared that I can just tell anybody about her. But Morgan watches my every move right now. I can't tell anybody, even Ariana.

She said that if I tell anybody, she'll just make my life worse than ever. What is wrong with her? Is she some sort of life ruiner? Well, I think she is one right now.

Today was Friday, and I have this huge headache, plus a cold. I'm locked up in my room, full of tissues and some books scattered all around my floor.

They wanted to come in, to see how I was going, but I insisted that I don't want them to see me like this. And I don't want to see Morgan, anyway.

How could she betray me? Us? Of course, everyone thinks that she's an angel, but how can they know that she's actually a monster?

And one of the reasons that I didn't want to go outside is because of Greyson. He makes me so conscious about my moves toward him. I mean, it may be true or not that he's into me.

Oh no, now I have three so-called rivals! Dianne, Cassie & Morgan. Ugh, how great is my life now.

I sighed then got up with every part of my body aching, mostly my head, then opened my mini fridge, then grabbed a bottle of water and heated myself a bowl of mushroom soup.

I was sipping my soup when I heard three knocks on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask, my voice raspy because of the phlegm stuck in my throat.

"It's us; Hannah and Yaffa. We came to get you out of your boredom, remember?"

I groaned as I catch the memory of me texting Yaffa that they should come over in my room to kill boredom. I told her she could bring Estra or Keira, but brought Hannah with her instead. Hey, it's cool. I like Hannah with her cheeky attitude.

Opening the door, Hannah and Yaffa squealed while they brought up two DVDs out of their bags: One Direction: Up All Night; and Narnia. Psh, these girls, really.

"Aren't these DVDs are a little... Outdated? I mean, 1D's Up All Night is last 2012, and Narnia is like, 2007?" I ask them while they pout.

"Nothing's too old for us directioners!" Yaffa exclaims.

"And Narnia is there for us always!" Hannah exclaims as well while I stare at the two fangirls standing before me.

I let them in fast as I lock the door. We turn on my LCD and they pop in Narnia first before the 1D CD.

I've watched Narnia over a million times already that I already know the script. I mean, Lucy and Edmond are still young in the first Narnia, then on the last Narnia movie- puberty hit them hard.

"Peter is sooo hot." I hear Hannah mutter beside me while a cough escaped my throat.

After the movie, we decided to rest a bit on my carpet.

"So, how did you catch the cold?" Hannah asked, stretching her calves.

I sniffed before answering. "Nah, it's maybe because that I ate two tubs of Ben & Jerry's last time and didn't drink a glass of water."

Yaffa laughed. "Oh, Ali, you and your ice cream: inseparable!"

"I know, I know. Ice cream is my husband." I say, rolling my eyes while they both laugh.

"By the way, Morgan says 'Get Well Soon'! Aw, isn't she the best?" Hannah said while my stomach knotted.

How could she? Ha! She's such a plastic woman. But she's a great actress, huh?

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