Chapter 32: Like a Nightmare

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Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Cole's heart quickened as he senses Morgan (or Greyson) walk along the hallway. Both John and Cole hid between the two sides of the door, mustering up every last bit of their courage to fight and arrest.

"We might as well kill the person before it can click his or her gun." Cole growled. He was done being the good, innocent, nerdy guy. He's going to murder that ass if that's the last thing he'd do. No one can hurt Aliana like that without getting proper payment.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of shoes thudding against the concrete floor echoed from the hall just beyond the half closed door. Cole's chest tightened as his blood boiled. He and John lunged themselves on either side of the door, planting their backs on the walls and breathed heavily.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

The door flew open and almost hit John's body as the strong push was faced by the door. That was so close. Morgan widened her eyes as she saw no sign of the girl she's tortured for the past few hours. Cole took his chance to raise his feet off the ground and kick the bitch behind, making her topple over the floor. John made his way towards Morgan's gun and kicked it several feet away from her reach.

"What the fuck!" Morgan winces as she tries to recover from the kick.

"Yes, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Cole drawled at the woman under his foot.

Morgan looks up. "Oh, it's so nice to see you! How about your pathetic girlfriend? Is she dead?" She chuckled as she lies on the ground with Cole's foot on her abdomen.

"Do you know how much I want to kill you right now?" Cole drawled once more as he pushes his feet harder against her stomach, making her growl in pain.

Morgan chuckled, half-breathless. "Then why don't you do it? Guilt, is it? Is it because you love me?"

"Go to hell." Cole swore as he lifted up his feet to kick her again, but Morgan quickly rolled off under him, making Cole kick the concrete floor and sending pain to his knees. He cried loudly in pain.

And just in time, Officer Romanoff lunged towards Morgan as she showered her with multiple punches. She continued to land strong punches whilst Cole tried to balance himself up again. The hard kick on the ground did not do good to his kneecap. Blasted knees. Officer Romanoff stopped for a moment, Morgan then fell into a fist of venomous laugh.

She spat the blood from her mouth. "Is that the best you can do?" Then she laughed again. "Well, meet the gang, folks."

A smirk grew on Morgan's face as five men appeared from the door, three of them armed and the two looking like they're in a boxing match. One of her men stood and not a second to let pass by pulled the trigger and shot the man beside Cole. John cried out as the bullet pierced his right arm. He took hold of his pained arm and stumbled, but tried to regain balance.

"JOHN!" Cole shouts, limping towards his pained friend.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." John winces, then tilts his head to the side. "Go get them, don't mind me. We're wasting time, Lerman."

Cole nodded as Officer Romanoff's backups appeared, but only two of them were there. Two of her men shot three of Morgan's men, but sadly, they were also shot by Morgan's gun.

"I guess my men have no use after all." Officer Romanoff mutters, running her hands to her short red hair in frustration.

Cole groaned, before taking two guns out of his belt and pointing it at Morgan's men. "Put all of your guns down, and we'll settle this at the court."

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