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My hand grips around Michelle's as she leads us through the gigantic frat house and I become even more annoyed as I find myself just wanting to be in Dom's arms. Leave it to me to drunk text him or try and talk to him even though it's been months.

Months since he denied me outside of the concert and months since whatever else. Like him singing his song about me to me and a crowd of people as I sat five feet from him. Also his birthday, which I wished him one when I saw him at the concert, considering it was the day before.

I hate him but I love him so much and I can't believe I did that and that Michelle raised my hand for me but at the same time I'm so glad she did.

My skin still misses the feeling of him and I would so much rather be with him than with some dude as I try to push my feelings for Dom away.

I can't believe that he didn't even text me or anything but it's okay because I didn't try to contact him either and maybe his reason is the same reason as mine.

Truthfully I don't know what made me want to go to his concert but I guess I just wanted to feel pure bliss again and I know that nothing can do it like Dom.

I truly miss being intimate with him the most, when all he wanted to do is cuddle with me. I never deserved him and he always deserved something more than some girl in high school could give him.

He never judged me and always loved me because he understood that I'm not a rockstar as well, I'm just a kid in college. He was happy with what I did for him which was truly little because he never allowed it.

I just miss getting pretty for him and going on dates with him and smiling at him as he sits on the opposite side of the table as me and a smile is on his face.

A contagious, flattering smile.

The thing I miss the most? The way that he made me feel behind closed doors. I was unapologetically myself around him and he made it feel okay to be. I truly loved him and I laugh at myself as I realize of course I still do.

Michelle turns around to me and she gives me a look. "Look, a boy." Her face lights up as she acts like she's actually into boys.

I roll my eyes as she turns around and continues to guide us through the gigantic building, making me miss Dom more than anything as we wander through this crowded area that feels much like how a concert does.

Am I stupid for going to the one a couple months back after we completely fell off? Maybe. Will I always support him? Yes. Should I have waited for ten hours? I don't know but I did.

I do as I'm told and let my eyes scan the crowd, realizing it probably is time to move on.

There's only been one boy who has captured my attention the whole time of me being here and he's continued to keep it as this isn't the first time I've seen him on campus. He lived in this particular frat but he's one of the sweetest boys I've ever talked to.

Harley Lincoln, son of my beloved hippie professor. He moved back in with his parents a month or two after class started, an option I wish I had.

I can't believe I let her convince me to move hours away from my parents but I'd be lying if I say I made the wrong choice. I like the choice I made and university is fun enough and keeps me happy enough considering I no longer have J, Dom, or my parents.

I miss D-

My thoughts are cut off as we make it to the lower level of the frat, my eyes traveling to the lights hung on the wall and the TV hooked up with a couple different consoles.

I've been down here many times before with the guys who were trying to get with Michelle and couldn't do it to save their lives. They soon wanted to be her friend when they found out she likes girls as well.

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