Twenty Four

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The familiar lights of New York and the familiar street of the condo he owns comes into view. The butterflies in my stomach have not calmed down for more than one minute tonight, and after not seeing Dom for literally only two weeks, it feels like I've spent my life away from this man.

I could debate with myself about my selfish tendencies but I'm not going to. I'm going to enjoy this week and the fact that he was thinking of me all the same. I really had no clue what was going down to go down after break, much less if he was gonna even want to see me.

Who really knows what was going through his mind these past two weeks, but it had to be enough of me to be waiting for me right after I got out of my flight and back to my dorm.

The thoughts of what it would be like to truly move in here, to pack everything up, sign the papers to leave my dorm, and take the trip on the subway every morning, afternoon, night. Dom would never let me and would just force me to use Taylor, his driver. They intrigue me.

I know he won't be a true constant like I would like, but I will appreciate all of the time with him that I can. I also make a mental note to myself to not be such a Debby downer and suck the joy out of this week before it can even start.

But the thoughts that stick with me aren't bad ones in nature, so I allow myself to relish in those. Thoughts of what our lives will look like in a year, if we're pushing this too fast or moving it too slow for any achievement, should we really be playing it by ear or buckling down to face every disadvantage that comes our way. I'm still so young, in college, about to start my sophomore year, but there is a huge part of me, if not all of it, that would change the outcome if it means to be beside Dom for all of my days.

"What are you thinking about?" He turns his head right to look at me, as he's sitting in the backseat right beside me. Taylor is once again gracing us with his presence. And the words from that night we talked, so long ago, do not leave my head. Ever.

"Everything, nothing, I don't know." I let out in a laugh, looking over at him as well. His eyes are full of hope and compassion. Compassion for all things good, and I'm certainly honored that includes me. But there is a faint emotion in his eye, like he's thinking the same thing I am. We can both only hope it's a good idea.

"Well all I'm thinking about is you, and you're right in front of me, so let's please kill the distance, yeah?" I notice he twirls the ring around on his finger, pulling his bottom lip in quickly between his teeth before letting them go, the red fullness coming back to life. I think he is nervous.

Yeah. Yes, whatever, Dom I will literally do whatever the fuck you say at this point in my life. That doesn't mean I don't still have my doubts, mostly because I'm a young girl from college willing to drop everything for just some boy.

But who am I to diminish Dom and our connection to just some boy? That doesn't sound, seem, or feel proper.

"I'm trying my best here." I wink at him, folding my hands into my lap.

"This doesn't have to be like other times, you can leave here without a touch from me anywhere below your waist." The way the words roll off of his tongue give me goosebumps all over my arms, his words doing the opposite of their intended reaction. Or maybe.

"What made you dye your hair?" I ask, trying to move away from this subject or anything like it that could lead back to this subject.

"Oh just figured it was time for a switch up." He doesn't give much more explanation than that. He also doesn't seem to want to waste much time on that conversation.

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