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The hardest part about the move to college was taken over by the best parts. What I mean by that is when people who you love leave your life, others who you love in your life can often heal you if you let them.

So when Pratt accepted Mich's and I request to dorm together, you could imagine weight lifted from my shoulders. Or course having to leave Johnny sucks but it's something that I have to do if I want to go somewhere else.

I told them I would visit every break, it's almost time for Christmas break and I'm boarding the first plane home while Mich stays here.

Classes have been good and I'm acing them all but once I got here and took some of the photography classes for about a week or so I realized it wasn't really for me and should just stay as a side hobby.

I decide to go with the business degree, finding it affective for every kind of career.

I took multiple tests to find which kind of business would fit me the most, and recently I've gotten the results back. Of course the one that is recommended is a fucking record label, and I totally could see myself doing that as I think about it.

This causes me to have to take a music class, and that's what I'm on the way to right now. My professor is a hippie who I compare to the one from Victorious and Michelle is in the class with me.

I enter the classroom and place my things down, sitting in the seat as I wait for Mich to join me. The time in this class always flies by and it's definitely cause I'm in here with my idiot.

Professor Lincoln walks in with plaid pants on and boots that I can tell are Docs. Michelle walks in behind him and I smile at her as she sits down next to me.

"Let's see what this maniac has for us today." She says, laughing as she gets a notebook and pen out. I decide to do the same and I look at her when I'm done.

"Somehow his class is my favorite though." I joke back with her and she rolls her eyes at me, looking forward. I do too and I furrow my eyebrows when he grabs the marker on his board and takes the top off.

Michelle gives me one more good look before she looks forward again, causing me to giggle as I look at her when I should be trying to concentrate on what the hell he's about to do.

"So, recently a student has brought to my attention a challenge that's going on all over Twitter," he turns back around to us after writing nothing on the board. "Not all over, but I guess a certain part that her and a couple of her friends take part in."

He looks all around the classroom.

"You're all well aware of Chegg right? Probably got your books there?" He asks us, and we all answer in a wave of yes.

"How would you all feel about an artist coming here to perform and us getting some funds for the computer labs if we compete in this contest by them?" He asks, getting everyone in the class riled up.

"So all music professors are talking about it and we're gonna try to get it all around school if you all want." He continues on, making me nervous. We're not even gonna talk about who this has written all over it.

Michelle looks at me before she turns forward. "Uh- do you know who the artist is?" Someone from the back of the class asks and I turn around to look at who it was.

It's a girl with pink and black hair who surely looks like she listens to the boy in my head.

"They haven't made it official but the students have reason to believe who it is. I'm not one hundred percent sure though." He doesn't confirm or deny my suspicion and I place my head in my hand as I look over at Michelle.

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