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The door busts open, my eyes ready to fall out of my head at the sight of Dominic right in fucking front of me. His eyes immediately move to mine and it feels like he's walking in slow motion as he moves from the door to the professor.

He turns around and introduces himself as the artist who will be performing for us and the one we worked so hard for. I see his eyes go to the left of me and I can see him stare at the arm hung over my shoulder.

I'm sure Dom is thinking multiple things and maybe I want him jealous.

I can see it rise in him as his smile slightly drops and his eyes turn hard, which is something I've never seen from Dom. Don't get me wrong, his eyes have told me multiple things, especially when he's not sober, but I haven't seen this.

Something like this makes me believe he truly loves me but he ditched me and months later let a girl talk mess to me over some text messages. Not to mention he completely disregarded me at the concert, which is sad considering it was near his birthday and all I wanted to do was spend it with him. If that makes me selfish then it does.

Maybe he's feeling what I felt when I saw the messages from that person, and another pang hit when he told me to chill out. Maybe if I told him to chill out he would get it. Maybe it would make him more angry.

He asks for song suggestions and I feel my heart being eaten away as Michelle asks to listen to Casual Sabotage, which Dom quickly obliges. I look at her before I look back at her.

"Waiting On The Weekend." I build up my confidence and say, trying to resist the smile that's coming on my face as I can see him gulp.

I know I make him feel some type of way and I like that I make his skin crawl but I would much rather be doing it another way. I would much rather have him making my skin crawl when his fingers lightly trace my skin and I realize I'm in love with him.

Another girl speaks up after he confirms he loves that song. I love that song. I listen to it all the time, knowing it's about me. It drives me insane and I swear I wish I didn't love him like this. He was a blessing and a curse at the same time.

I turn around after she tells us that she loves that song more than anything and my face goes pale as I slowly turn back around to him. I take the arm from off my shoulder as I realize it doesn't feel right.

I'm over Dom until I see him. Or so I think.

As I watch him a flashback comes in my mind.

"Are you hungry love? Do you want something to eat? There's a couple places I've got up my sleeve." He strums on his guitar, my low, bloodshot eyes staring at his low ones.

He watches me as he strums against the guitar, gulping as I see him becoming strongly intimate with me.

Dom has become a lot more comfy with me ever since I met his ma. She seemed very interested in me and he flew us out at the same time last time I saw him.

I met her in February. This flashback is in March. I didn't know this would be my last time seeing him, but it was. Minutes after he sang to me I wanted to give him my paper, and that's when it all went downhill. I don't know why it went like that, but I wish I could go back and fix it. I wish I could tell him I love him more than anything and that my heart feels like it's having trouble beating without him.

Ms. Sam called me beautiful and that I might be her favorite girl alive besides her daughters and family and friends. Of course she means her favorite girl for Dom, and I'm sure she got to meet Halsey, and I feel honored to sort of beat her? It leaves me to wonder if she ever met her but I'm sure she did, they were serious for a long time.

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