Asta x Reader PT. 1

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Asta sat there on the couch sulking, realization that he could never marry Sister Lily had hit him like a ton of bricks. After years of begging, and declaring he would marry her and each rejection it had finally occurred he had absolutely no chance. He sighed heavily, and everyone could shake the depression that filled the room. It was weird seeing Asta like this, they tried everything to bring Asta back to his loud, obnoxious self but they couldn't.

Finral decided to take matters into his own hands and went to meet the girl a little early that he was supposed to take on a date. Once he arrived he gave an awkward smile waving and she tapped her chin before coming up with an idea.

"So I have this friend that does need to get out more."

"Perfect, so a double date then (bf/n)?" Finral asked and she nodded, Finral sighed in relief before waving to her leaving once again before going through his portal. Once he arrived back at the base, he saw Asta sitting in the same exact position that he had left.

"Hey Asta, want to go on a double date with me? It would be fun."

"No, it's fine..." Asta mumbled as he laid their slumped back.

"Even if food is involved?" At that Asta's stomach growled and he looked at Finral before slowly nodding his head.

"Sure, I a hungry." He said standing up, Finral opened the portal and Asta walked through slowly. Finral walked behind him closing the portal before seeing you and your best friend. You were playing with the little kids in the cafe that you both were at since one of them was crying.

"Hey don't cry..." You said laughing as you began to make faces at the kids, they began laughing and you added to peppermint sticks in your nose making it jot your lower lip down. They began laughing harder, and you couldn't help but laugh as well. before your friend hit you in the back of your head.

"That's gross (Y/N)."

"Yet they aren't crying anymore." You grinned at her. Asta blinked as he watched you almost forgetting the reason for his depression. Just then a royal walked through slamming her fists on the counter and yelling fro the manager.

"UGH, YOU GUYS ARE SO USELESS! YOU RUINED MY WEDDING! WHERE IS YOUR MANAGER!?" The manager rushed out and you stood up putting the kids behind you.

"I am sorry Miss what happened?" The manager asked before the royal herself began to explode even more.

"YOU MESSED UP THE CAKE ORDER!! HOW DARE YOU IT WAS MY SPECIAL DAY! I AM SHUTTING THIS PLACE DOWN!" She yelled you rolled your eyes before seeing her grimoire out.

"Matter of fact, I am going to destroy this entire building." She said flipping to a page, you and Asta were quick to move bringing your grimoires out. Just as she cast a spell Asta managed to neutralize it so t didn't destroy the building and you used your electric binding magic to stop her from using any more spells.

"Not when I am here you won't!" You and Asta yelled furious that shew as going to sink that low. The kids were hiding behind your best friend, and your best friend's eyes widen at the close call. Finral had his portal open getting ready to transport the customers in the cafe, the royal glared at you both as she struggled against your binding. You and Asta glanced at each other and realized both of you worked together. He gave you a bright smile but you both looked at the royal, as magic knights began to run in and arrest her.

You let a sigh out before looking at the kids who were hiding behind your best friend, and you walked to them. They ran to you hugging your legs and you bend down to wrap your arms around them reassuring that there were okay now.

"It's okay, you guys are safe just like this cafe."

"That was amazing." Finral said closing his portal and you blinked up as your friend looked proud.

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