A wish come true

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Warning! More goriness. What a surprise...


"Can't you see this war is foolish, father?!"

"How can protecting our people be foolish?" The King challenged, "Then again, only a traitor would say its foolish."

"Blood is needlessly being spilled, why can't you call this off!" Zelda cried.

"If you care so much about him, why don't you go!?" The king shouted, pushing her forwards.

"I think I will." She said defiantly, walking into the battle.


"Your Highness, some Hylian soldiers have infiltrated the town!"

"Then what the hell are you doing here?!" Jorulph demanded.

"T-Thought I'd tell you, sir." The meek soldier replied.

Jorulph growled angrily and hurried to the town, ending the lives of several Hylian soldiers on the way. He kept Torrik's sword with him as a way of keeping a bit of his best friend alive. Every life the sword took was a small piece of justice done to the fallen Captain. No matter how many people Jorulph killed, it could never make up for this loss, but it could somehow avenge Torrik.


Link was locked in combat with a Hylian soldier. He was refraining from hurting the solider, but the opponent disregarded this and tried his best to end the fight.

"Stupid Learian!" The soldier shouted.

He slashed at Link who barely dodged out of the way and escaped with only a cut on his face.

"Hey!" Link exclaimed.

"You're a weak Learian!" The soldier taunted.

"I'm not a-"

The soldier jabbed his sword at Link, but this time, he jumped out of the way and killed the soldier.

"Look, I really didn't want to do this." Link said to his dying opponent, "But it was either you or me."

Link wiped his sword on his trousers and looked out to the field, the very picture of pain and doom. He knew that this wasn't going to be an easy war, but he never imagined that it would be anything like this. What hurt him the most was the loss of Torrik, his friend who stopped Jorulph from abusing him. Link knew that this was a deadly war from the second he saw Jorulph's face after his best friend's death. Never before has Link seen so much suffering and anguish happen with out it being outwardly shown.

"Some of us have to learn to stow that fear deep down inside."

Torrik's words echoed through Link's head. The fact that Link would never hear his voice again was equivalent to being stabbed repeatedly through the chest. He couldn't begin to imagine how Jorulph must have felt.

Link winced and crouched down, clutching at his side. He couldn't help but think that Torrik's death was his fault. if he had just gotten up, then Jorulph would've been able to defend himself, then Torrik wouldn't have...

"This is war..." Link muttered.

He titled his head up to the sky in exhaustion and sighed.

"But I'm not going without seeing you one last time."



Jorulph ran through the streets of central Learia, calling out to any possible survivors.

"Can anyone hear me?!" He cried.

He heard a scream from one of the streets, so the Prince hurried to the source of the sound, laying eyes on two Hylian soldiers advancing to a child, who looked down at a dead woman in front of him, who, Jorulph guessed, was the child's mother trying to protect her.

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