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Jorulph silently got up an handed the rope with the grappling hook to Link.

"Good luck." Was all he said before leaving the room.

The room was eerily quiet and Link could hear nothing but his pounding heart. Jorulph said that he should leave five minutes after the clock struck, so Link readied himself.

I sure hope this is a good idea.


Jorulph was walking through the hallway to the King's room when he noticed an unusual amount of guards patrolling around.

"What business do you have here?" He asked one guard.

"We were ordered by the King to come on patrol, Your Highness." The guard replied.

Jorulph then caught sight of Torrik, wearing a stony expression on his face. Jorulph walked pass him to get to the room, and as he did so, all Torrik could do was nod. A nod to wish him good luck.

The prince stood outside the King's room and knocked, half hoping it wouldn't be answered.

"Who is it?" Demanded a voice from inside.


"Come in."

He turned the cold, golden door knob and tentatively made his way into the room.

"What do you want?" Demanded the King.

Jorulph took a deep breath.

"War." He said, "War on Hyrule. All my life I've watched as we've been cast aside as barbarians, but I will stand for this no more. I want Learia to show those no-good Hylians just exactly who and what we are."

The King eyed him up. He was sat on a throne-like couch near the balcony, door wide open, and had a plate of treats next to him.

"War?" The King said, "I thought you saw war as a nuisance?"

"Yes, it is." Replied Jorulph, "But most crucial things are a nuisance."

The King sneered at his son. Jorulph wanted nothing more but to rip out his guts there and then. His gaze shifted to behind the King, when he saw a grappling hook latch onto the balcony.

"Is something distracting you?" Asked the King.

"No, not at all." He said through gritted teeth.

The King got up and walked over to his son, so that their faces were only a few hair breadths away. Link was now on the balcony, and was quietly sneaking up on the King, dagger in hand.

"I don't know what you're playing at, boy." Growled the King, "But I can assure you one thing: you've lost."

He spun around and caught Link's hand, before he had the chance to strike. Link yelped with pain as he dropped the dagger. Jorulph drew his sword, and lifted it up into the air to strike.

"I would re-think that if I were you."

The King had Link in a lock, and had the dagger pressed against his throat, drawing some blood. Link was struggling frantically, but the old man proved to be too strong.

"Unless you want your little puppet to drop down here!" Spat the King.

Jorulph lowered his sword, but stared at his father maliciously.

"You knew, didn't you?" He said.

"Boy, this is my kingdom," Replied the King, "I have eyes and ears everywhere."

Link was terrified. Jorulph was scared. The King had the winning card.

But Jorulph wasn't going to let him play it.

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