Best friends

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"How could this have happened!"

Kogam was standing in front of the King, who had just heard the news of his daughters escape.

"Is Jorulph alright?" Demanded the King.

"He should be alright, your majesty." Kogam Said, shaken, "the wound was in his shoulder."

"When I get my hands on that boy..." muttered the King, "Well if Jorulph is injured, we need a captain to take over, and I guess you'll do, Kogam. And as your role as captain, it is your job to bring the princess and that traitor back here. I want no harm to befall on my daughter, and the traitor is to come back alive so he can face his punishment."

Kogam stared up at the king.

"And what will that be..." Kogam asked cautiously.

"You know what happens to the traitors..."

Kogam touched his neck.

"You won't fail me, will you?" Asked the King.

Kogam saluted.

"I will bring them both!"

"Good, you're dismissed." Said the King.

Kogam left the sanctum and bumped into Jorulph.

"Ahh, I heard of your temporary promotion." Leered Jorulph.

Kogam pointed to his shoulder, confused.

"I'm one to recover quickly," Jorulph explained," But I am still not fit to carry out the task... what a shame, I would've liked the glory of bringing that traitor back. Alas, it has fallen on to you."

Jorulph leaned in closer to Kogam.

"Do not fail, do not let him go, else you will join him and his fate." He whispered.

Jorulph barged past Kogam and entered the sanctum. Kogam stayed , standing on the spot, panicking internally about what was about to happen.


Zelda walked over to a house where a priest was said to live and had the power to unite two souls together. Zelda timidly knocked on the door, and an old man answered it almost instantly.

"I heard of a young woman looking for a priest." The old man explained," I have nothing better to do, so I figured I would wait for you to come."

Zelda was slightly taken aback but smiled anyway.

"Yes, I need a priest to get my lover and me married." Said Zelda, "today..."

"I can do that. Like I said, I have nothing to do with my life," the old man replied.

Zelda nodded, then held out her hand.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zelda." She said.

"Zelda?! You mean the Princess Zelda?" He asked, shocked.

"I ran away with my lover, Link." She explained.

"M'dear, if you ran away, that must mean they're searching for you, and this Link." Said Ru.

Zelda sighed.

"Can you do it tonight?" She asked.

"Tonight, your lover shall become your soul mate." He replied.


"You sure have been ordering a lot of drink."

The bartender handed Kogam his umpteenth drink.

"Yeah..." he sighed.

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