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Link was now walking back to his room, which was opposite Zelda's. She seemed disappointed by the fact that they would be sleeping in different rooms, but Link assured her that he would come to see her whilst everyone was asleep.

Right now his mind was racing. He was leaving for Learia tomorrow, possibly meeting the people he may eventually rule, and he was pledged to marry the princess of Hyrule once he came back. He had no idea what to do.


Link caught sight of his older brother in the hallway, walking in Link's direction. He looked up at the sound of his name being called, and saw Link.

"What is it?" Jorulph demanded.

"I- uh..." Link cleared his throat, "Couldn't we... Delay our trip to Learia?"

"Why should we do that?" replied Jorulph.

"Thursday seems like a weird day to leave, don't you think?" Said Link uncomfortably, "Maybe journeying to Learia is a... Friday thing... Next Friday thing..."

Jorulph eyed him up suspiciously.

"What going on...."

Link coughed, clearing the bile he felt rising up his throat.

"The King..." He mumbled.

"What about him?" Demanded Jorulph.

"Wants me to marry Zelda, officially, once we get back..."

Jorulph looked almost as gobsmacked as Link when he first heard the news.

"But what if you-"

"Can't I marry her before we leave?" Pleaded Link.

Jorulph looked sincere.

"Link, in this world we're going to have to make some tough choices," He started, "I just want you to bear in mind that what we are about to do is risky and important. We can't mess this up. We're going to travel to Learia, and you will claim the throne-"

"Your father?" Questioned Link.

Jorulph sighed.

"He is going to lead Learia into ruins. You have to claim the throne from him. At all costs."

Link knew exactly what Jorulph had in mind.

"Why can't I marry Ze-"

"We can't let anything get in our way," Answered Jorulph, "If they find out that you are married to the princess of Hyule, before you unite the two kingdoms, your head will be on a chopping board. Again. And nobody would be able to save you."

Link looked downtrodden.

"If you succeed, you won't have to worry," Assured Jorulph, "Once you claim the throne, an change their mind-set, Hylians and Learians can live amongst each other peacefully."

Jorulph reassuringly placed a hand on Link's shoulder.

"We can't let anything get in the way," He said, "This is too dangerous."

Link continued to stare down at the stone floor.

"What we are about to do is for the best." Said Jorulph, "Far more important than your relationship with Zelda."

"Nothing is more important than her." Said Link fiercely.

"You'll soon find out."

Jorulph paced down the hallway.

"You'll soon learn how to make tough choices in life, Link." He called out, "But its something we all have to do at one point in out lives. I know I already have."

How To Be a PrinceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora