A special present

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"Happy birthday, Your Highness!"

Zelda wearily opened her eyes to see a blurry image of Maryl's face, smiling at her. Once Maryl's words had sunk in, Zelda instantly sat up.

"Oh gosh, it's my birthday..." Said Zelda.

"Yes, you were born on this day eighteen years ago." Explained Maryl.

"I'm eighteen..." Whispered Zelda.

"Um... yes, eighteen years ago you were born, so you would be eighteen now..."

"I'm eighteen!" Zelda exclaimed.

Zelda got out of bed and paced around the room.

"Why, why why w-"

"Zelda, calm down." Said Maryl," everything will be alright."

"No, everything wo -"

Zelda remembered back to last night. Link was right. The time between them was a different world, but in this harsh world, Zelda was going to have to be the person she wasn't.

"There's no point in fighting, I'm going to have to marry Jorulph, no matter what." Zelda sighed.

Maryl smiled.

"There, being an adult has already changed you." She remarked,' You go get changed, then come down for breakfast."

Zelda nodded and then walked over to her dresser. Maryl made her way to the door, then stopped.

"Oh, and I forgot to give you this." Maryl states," It's a gift from your mother."

Maryl held up a small present. Zelda stared at it shocked, then ran over to it.

"From my mother?!" She exclaimed.

"When she - the day she... left this world, she gave me this to give to you on your eighteen birthday." Maryl explained.

Tears were welling up in Zelda's eyes, as she cautiously took the present from Marly. Marly then nodded and walked out, leaving Zelda to stare at the present in her hand. Zelda walked over to her bed and sat down, and placed the present on her lap. She then cautiously opened the present. Once the wrapping paper was taken off, Zelda was left with a small box on her lap. She opened the box to find an elegant jewellery box, with a knight and a princess dancing on the top. There was also a not in the box, which Zelda had delicately taken out and unfolded.

My dearest Zelda,

Happy birthday! It pains me to know that I would never see my little bird grow into an adult. It's going to get a lot tougher from now on, but I know you'll be strong and see it all through.
Mother to daughter, as an adult, you will be faced with many challenges, marriage being one. The only advice I can give you is that there's nothing you can do to change the situation. Be the strong woman I'm sure you are, and make light of it all. I know your father will never make you marry a horrible man, so try, my dear, try to keep your chin up, even when all seems lost, because I know that there's always going to be a silver lining.
I will never leave your side, Zelda. I will always be there, no matter how difficult it gets.
As for the jewellery box I gave you, it's you dancing with your knight in shining armour. Do you not remember the games we used to play? It was always you trapped behind cushions, and me as your knight coming to rescue you. I hope you can find one for real now, though he's probably going to have to be a prince as well.
I love you so much, and never forget that, and I know that I would be so proud of you.
Love from your mother
P.s. Take a look in the jewellery box

Zelda clutched the note to her chest and gave a watery sniff. Her mothers note was more than enough to keep her spirit high. After reading it, She was more than determined to complete her role as Hyrule's princess. Zelda looked over at the jewellery box and opened it to find a beautiful ring. She remembered that ring. It was the ring her mother had always shown her. It was the ring her mother had said Zelda's knight in shining armour would give her. Zelda held the ring in her hand. It was gold, with diamond circling around an emerald, the same shade as Zelda's eyes.

Zelda sighed and turned the key on the jewellery box. The knight and the princess immediately sprung to life and started to twirl around on the spot, accompanied by a tune that Zelda knew all too well. It was the same song her mother hummed to her every night before bed. Zelda's very own lullaby.

Reluctantly, Zelda got up from her bed to get changed before seeing her father, and probably Jorulph, at breakfast.

"Happy birthday, Zelda!"

Zelda had walked into the dining hall and was enthusiastically greeted by her father.

"Thank you, Father." She replied.

Just as she had guessed, Jorulph was there as well.

"Happy birthday, Your Highness." He said with a bow.

Zelda bowed back.

"Thank you, Jorulph."

Jorulph led Zelda to the dining table and pulled out a chair for her. She was then served with her usual breakfast. Once they had finished, the King put a flat box with a bow on the table.

"Your present, Zelda." He said.

Zelda timidly took the box and opened it to see an elegant ball gown. It was pink with golden shoulder plates and a blue sash with Hyrule's crest on it.

"It was the dress your mother wore to her first ball." Explained the king," And now it shall be yours."

Zelda looked at her father in confusion. The king then signalled to Jorulph to explain.

"Your father has organised a ball in honour of your eighteenth birthday." Said Jorulph.

"A ball?!" Exclaimed Zelda.

"Yes, and we have invited many other kingdoms to join us." Said the King," it will be a spectacular evening."

The king nodded and then left the dining hall. Jorulph looked at Zelda as though he was going to say something, then decided against it.


Zelda looked at him expectantly.

"Enjoy your birthday..." He said hastily before heading out of the dining hall.

Zelda was left in the dining hall by herself, dreaming about what the evening ahead would be like. Then she imagined her knight sweeping her into the dance floor and leading her into a graceful dance. Zelda wished for Link to be there. That was her birthday wish.

So we have a ball prepared for the princess. I honestly did not expect this to happen 😂. Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying the story.

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