A New Arrival

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"Princess! Princess, your father has requested your presence, immediately."

Zelda tried to block out the knocking from her servant, Maryl. The knocking continued, and Zelda realised that she had to get up. She groaned in annoyance as she got up.

"It's ok, Mayrl, I'm awake." Zelda called out.

Zelda hobbled over to her dressing table, and caught sight of a girl with long blond hair, and emerald green eyes. That girl was going to have to work her socks off today, as the king requested.

She went behind her screen to change into her blue royal gown, with golden trimmings. The sleeves of the dress hung off he arms, and to finish the look, a golden head band.

The princess double checked herself in the mirror before heading out of the room to meet with her father. As Zelda walked through the castle, various servants greeted her with a curtsy. She nodded back to them, accompanied with a smile.

Zelda arrived at a pair of double oak doors. She took a deep breath before nodding to the guards to let her through. As she walked in, a fanfare played to announce her arrival. Zelda sighed, for a special guest must be here for the guards to be announcing her arrival.

"Ahh, Zelda." Boomed the king, "We've been awaiting your arrival."

Zelda looked up at the king, who was seated on an elegant golden throne.

"You requested my presence, father?" Asked Zelda.

She dared to take her eyes off the king, and was surprised to see an audience.

"I would like you to meet the new captain of the Hyrulean army, Jorulph." Replied the king.

As if on cue, the new captain stepped out of the shadows, to be greeted by applauds from the people.

"New captain..." whispered Zelda.

She looked over at Jorulph, who was staring at her intently. His gaze made her shiver.

"Your highness..." greeted the captain," it is my greatest pleasure to see your beauty for myself."

Her took hold of Zelda's delicate hand, and kissed it. She cringed at his touch.

"Not only is he our new captain, but a prince as well." Explained the king, "he was kind enough to lend us his skills."

Zelda instantly knew what her father was thinking, and wanted to shut down his idea immediately.

"Well... that's very kind of him..." she said cautiously.

She felt Jorulph's gaze on her again.

"Well, I won't keep you any longer, Zelda, I'm sure you have a lot of duties to get on with." Said the king, as he dismisses his daughter from the sanctum.

Zelda walked out of the sanctum, through the double oak doors. As she was walking out, Zelda bumped into a junior knight. They both fell to the floor.

"Hey! Watch it!" She exclaimed.

"I'm very sorry, princess." Ushered the junior knight.

He quickly got to his feet, and helped the princess up.

"I'm truly, very sorry." He pleaded.

Zelda smiled, the knight was getting flustered, and it was rather cute. He rubbed the back of his neck, and rubbed his hands through his blond hair.

"That's quite alright." She replied warmly.

The knight ran off to join his group, and the princess walked off to fulfil her daily duties. Maryl ran up from behind Zelda.

"Your highness, are you ok?" Asked Maryl, out of breath," That looked like quite a bump."

"Yes, I'm ok." Replied Zelda, a little dazed.

"He's a junior knight, Zelda, get your head out the clouds." Joked Maryl, sensing the change of emotion in the princess, "lets go get you some breakfast."

The servant ushered Zelda into the dining hall, where she was greeted by various cooks with plates of delicious looking food.

"Take your pick, we have egg on toast, bacon, baked beans..." reeled off Maryl.

Zelda wasn't listening, she had caught sight of the new captain, dining with her father. The king looked up from his breakfast, and saw his daughter.

"Zelda!" He called," Why don't you join us?"

He pushed Zelda along, and had her seated next to Jorulph. She felt really uncomfortable.

"Princess, egg on toast with bacon and baked beans." Served one servant.

Zelda smiled at the servant, who backed away from the table. She looked at the food, and didn't feel to hungry, mainly wanting to get away from Jorulph.

"Jorulph suggested to me that you go with him to see the junior knights train." Suggested the king," it's good for you to see the future of the army."

The words 'junior knights' caught her attention. Maybe this would be a good excuse to see him again.

"That sounds like a good idea." She agreed

"Then it's settled, I will take you after breakfast." Exclaimed Jorulph.

The king smiled at the prince's enthusiasm. Zelda dug into her breakfast, looking forward to seeing the junior knight. What if he's not there? Zelda then gave herself a mental scolding. He's not a prince, just a knight. A princess and a knight could never be together.

Yay, new book. I hope you all enjoy it. It's a totally new storyline, and relationship for Link and Zelda, so just kick back and relax.

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