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"So you really have to go, don't you?"

Kogam and Link were in the bar, at their usual place: in the corner of the bar where they can see everyone without being seen themselves.

"Jorulph made it sound like its a matter of life and death." Said Link.

They both took a sip of their drinks.

"And you're really going to trust Jorulph?!" Said Kogam sceptically.

"I've explained this to you before," Sighed Link, "I'm not going to do it again."

Kogam shrugged and stared ahead. Link glanced at him, and smiled.

"Surely you'd want to find out where you came from?" Link asked.

"I don't see why you have to." Kogam shrugged, "Your 'family' clearly didn't love you, and now, your leaving behind everyone you love to chase some fantasy."

"I... Can't bear to stay at the side lines of this." Link sighed, "Jorulph said that those people need help-"

"They are not our people!" His best friend said a bit too loudly, "Stupid Learians!"

"Quiet!" Link hissed after receiving strange looks from people in the bar, "I'm going, no matter what."

Link reluctantly got up from the comfy chairs, and looked down at Kogam.

"I... Have an urge." He sighed, "I can't help it."

"That basically our lives in a nutshell." Kogam smiled, "I guess I'll see you around."

Link nodded and headed out of the bar and into the bustling streets of castle town.

"Oh my!" Squealed a group of teenage girls, "He's sooooo handsome!"

Link cringed. He hated the attention he got from his supposed good looks. He also hated himself for not bringing his hood.

"Shall we say hi?"

"I'd advise against it, ladies." Called out Link, "You have no idea of what I'm capable of."

"That's what we want to find out."

He grimaced and got away as quickly as he could without running.

As he was walking through the square, Link caught sight of a stall selling a small bunch of Silent Princesses.

"Two hundred and fifty rupees for this one-of-a-kind bunch." Encouraged the stall keeper, "Its the only Silent Princess bunch you'll find for miles."

Link fished in his pockets for the rupees, and handed them over. The stall keeper handed over the bunch of Silent Princess with a joyful smile.

"She's really appreciate it." Said the stall keeper.

Link nodded and continued his way back to the castle, past the bustling crowd. When he neared the gate, Link couldn't help but take extra notice of the proud triforce that stood on the top of it. He gulped at the sight of it.

"Open the gates, please." Called out Link.

The guard nodded and signalled for the gates to be opened. When they swung open, the triforce appeared to split in half to allow Link to pass through. He couldn't shake off the ominous thoughts that plagued him.


Zelda was reclined on her bed, a book laid open on her lap. For once in her life she couldn't focus on reading. Her mind was too busy on other things.

She still couldn't get over the blasted dream.

It was only a dream.

She tried to tell herself, but it had really put her off.

Zelda mentally scolded herself. This was the guy who was willing to die for their love. who showed her love, who taught her how to love.

There was a loud knocking on the door which startled her.

"W-who is it?" She called out.


Zelda's heart started to race.

"Come in."

Link cautiously opened the door, and stuck his head in.


Zelda forced a welcoming smile. Once he saw the smile, Link fully opened the door and walked in.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine..."

Link awkwardly sat down, and produced the bunch of Silent Princesses from behind him. A genuine smile spread across Zelda's face as she eagerly took the bunch and dug her face into it, drawing out the scent.

"Oh, thank you, Link!" She exclaimed.

Link couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. Her happiness was his happiness.

"So, what book are you reading?" Link asked awkwardly.

"A very interesting book," Replied Zelda, "A book on the Hylian-Learian history. Starting from all the way back to when they were allies up until the war broke out."

Talk about a coincidence thought Link.

"And... What have you learnt?" Asked Link.

"Well, the book is full of many things." Explained Zelda, "But what intruigued me the most was the supposed prophecies. I can read the Hylian ones, but the Learian prophecies need to be deciphered."

She handed over the book, which on a page full of alien-like writing.

"What are you talking about?" Scoffed Link, "That obviously says: 'two halves make a whole: joins these two together to make a new world'."

Zelda stared at him, gobsmacked.

"You can read Learian?" She exclaimed.

Link's jaw dropped.

"T-that was Learian?" He replied.

"Yes! When did you learn to read Learian?" Demanded Zelda.

"I-I was a very bright child..." Said Link cautiously.

"Well, what does this say?" asked Zelda eagerly.

"'None but two can accomplishe what those failed to do'," Recited Link, "And that one says: 'Hearts will be joined together, thus joining two worlds'."

Zelda looked very excited.

"I'm so impressed!" She exclaimed, "Your expertise in Learian could be very useful!"

Link gritted his teeth.

"Actually..." He started, "It will be. This evening I will be leaving for Learia with Jorulph..."


Zelda snapped her book shut and grabbed Link's arm.

"You can't go to Learia!" She cried, "They're our enemies."

"I'm their prince..."

Zelda's book slid onto the floor and landed with a clatter.

"Tell me you're joking..." Zelda muttered.

"No, Jorulph is my brother, and he is their prince, therefore, I am also a prince." Link explained reluctantly.

"You can't go!" Zelda cried, "You just simply can't"

"I can and I must." Link said firmly, "There are people out there who need me."

"What about me?" The princess whispered, "I need you!"

"Maybe when all of this is over, we can be together." Link suggested hopefully, holding her in his arms.

"What about our wedding?"

"I'll be back in time." Link assured, "I promise."

"What if you're not?" Zelda persisted.

"Then I'm sure you'd wait." Link smiled.

"I'd wait until the end of time."


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