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Link was stood outside in the garden, now at ease knowing that Zelda was alright. The doctor advised that Zelda should stay under her watch until she was sure that the princess was better.

Now Link didn't have any duties, he didn't know what to do, except to wonder around aimlessly in the gardens, which became a very special place for him and Zelda.

"Link, do you have a moment?"

Jorulph walked towards him, fists clenched nervously.

"I suppose." Replied Link, bluntly.

He casually leaned against the wall, and eyed Jorulph up.

"Ok, I get why you hate me-" started Jorulph.

"Took you long enough." Interrupted Link.

Jorulph rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Well it just the way I was brought up," He said hastily, "But that's not the point. It came to my attention that you would probably want to know more."

"Keep talking."

"More about who you really are..." Clarified Jorulph.

Link nodded in agreement.

"Well, as I said, you are my younger brother," Started Jorulph, "And you were supposed to be drowned due to you being a weak infant. However, my mother didn't have the heart for it, and begged my- I mean our father not to do it. My father gave sympathy, nor love, to no one except our mother, so he gave in and left you on a random doorstep, in another kingdom."

"Why in another kingdom?" Asked Link, curious.

"You see..."

Jorulph glanced up at the symbol of Hyrule on the garden wall.

"Our kingdom is... Learia."

Link gasped. The Kingdom he was supposedly the prince of was Learia, a kingdom with which Hyrule was locked in a fierce grudge with. The barbaric war ended long before Link was born, but the grudge remained, and Hyrule and Learia live in constant hate with each other. What were the chances of a prince and a princess from these opposing kingdoms being married?

"How come you're here, wondering around freely?" Asked Link.

Jorulph shrugged.

"I didn't specify which Kingdom I came from." He replied.

"But what are you doing here?"

Jorulph sighed, and stared down at the floor, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I wanted to get away from Learia, from my father." He stated, "You have no idea what it's like being brought up by that man."

Link chuckled softly.

"I guess I don't." He sighed.

Link awkwardly looked down at his hand and flexed it, shooting quick glances at Jorulph, who was also in a state of awkwardness.

"What are you going to do when you father-"

"Dies?" finished Jorulph, "Well, everyone expects me to go back and claim the throne, but..."

"You don't want to go back?" Link finished.

"I left to start a new life, Link, there's no way I'm going back!" exclaimed Jorulph.

"But if you go back, you can change things, make Learia a batter place." Suggested Link.

Jorulph eyed Link up.

"Why don't you do it?"

Link eyes widened with shock. He was brought up as a royal guards son, not a king. There was no way he could rule a kingdom, especially one he was brought up to hate.

"I... Don't think so." Laughed Link.

"You grew up a happy life," Said Jorulph, "You don't have any demons plaguing you back in Learia. You could go back and end this grudge, and make Learia the great kingdom it once was long ago."

"You're asking me to do what hasn't been done for centuries." warned Link, "You think some royal guards son could turn up in Learia and do what previous kings wouldn't even dream of?"

"But you're not a royal guards son," said Jorulph, "You're a King's son."

The two men stared each other up, willing for the other to back down.

"Won't you at least visit?" Pleaded Jorulph.

Link gave him a scathing look, but his mind was a tornado of decisions. If he went to Learia, he would be expected to take the throne, and if he took the throne, he couldn't be with Zelda.

"You can change the laws, you know." said Jorulph, as if reading Link's mind, "If you can end this grudge, you and Zelda could reunite our kingdoms."

"I'll do it."

Jorulph smiled. Link was staring at the ground, blankly.

"We'll tell them that I've taken you to see your true kingdom." Proposed Jorulph, "We're not exactly lying."

"No, were not." Replied Link, bluntly.

"Good, we'll leave tomorrow evening."



Link was trudging through the hallways of the castle, not really aware of what he was doing, or where he was going.

He perked his head up, and saw the King making his way over to him.

"Link, my boy!" He boomed.

The King proudly slapped Link on his back, sending him tumbling forwards.

"Do you have a moment?" queried the King.

"I suppose I do, your majesty." Replied Link.

"My boy, you are to call me father-in-law!"

Link nodded, and allowed himself to be guided by the king, to his study. The King swung open the doors, and allowed Link to enter first, and swiftly plopped himself down on a throne-like chair. He then looked up at Link, and gestured him to take seat opposite him.

"About the matters at hand..." started the King.

"I'm so sorry your majesty." Rambled Link, "I should never have ran off with your daughter, or married her, or- or have-"

The King held up a hand to silence him.

"Though what you have done is most... Peculiar..." Noted the king, "I believe that there is a silver lining to all of this. My daughter was tasked to find a husband before her eighteenth birthday, else I would choose for her. A husband with royal blood. and I believe you are exactly what we were looking for. You have royal blood, and Zelda has taken a shine to you."

"I-I..." stammered Link.

"Say no more!" He joyfully boomed, "Pretty yourself up, my boy, because in due course, we will have a royal wedding!"

"Actually...." Said Link, cautiously, "I am to go away, with Jorulph, tomorrow evening. He is taking me to visit the kingdom I came from."

The King looked at him curiously

"When are you coming back?" He queried.

"I-I don't know, your majesty." Link replied hastily, "Maybe a week..."

"Then its settled, once you get back, you will marry my daughter."

Link cocked his head to one side.

"I mean you will have a royal wedding." Corrected the King.

The King dismissed Link with a wave of his hand, and Link cautiously pushed back the chair, and almost tiptoed out of the room, as if making one wrong step would lead to his beheading.

Once Link was out in the deserted hallway, he started to panic.

"What am I going to do?!"

What is he going to do? anyway, I hope you're all looking forward to his journey to Learia with Jorulph, it should be quite interesting.

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