The Barrier

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"Wake up!"

Link felt the bed sheets being ripped off him, and felt the cold hitting his body.

"We have to get a move on!" Ordered Jorulph.

Link wearily opened his eyes to see Jorulph already fully dressed, and ready to go.

"Ok..." He yawned.

Link swung his legs off the bed and perched on the end, stretching his arms as he yawned.

"No time for a cheerful morning wake-up routine!" Snapped Jorulph, "If we want to get there with good time, we. Have. To. Leave. Now!"

He shook vigorously Link's body with each word.

Link slipped of his night shirt and searched for his tunic which Jorulph threw at him violently.

Once Link was finally ready, Jorulph ushered him onto his horse and set off on a gallop, hoping to make up for the time they barely wasted. As if every second counted.

"When we get to the so-called 'border control', just act normal, ok?" Explained Jorulph, "If you act tense, they'll immediately notice it. They've been trained to detect even the slightest change in human emotions."

"What am I supposed to be?" asked Link.

"Well, what do you think you are in Hyrule?" Questioned Jorulph.

"A citizen. Royal guard." Replied Link.

"And in Learia?"

"A... Prince." Answered Link.

"Wrong!" Jorulph shouted, "You are my guest! If you say you are a prince, everyone will be notified and the King will find out, thus, our plan goes down the drain."

"Wow, ok." Link mutered.

When they neared the mountains, after a long time of travelling, Link felt the temperature drastically drop, and found himself chattering his teeth.

"We'll stop just over there." Stated Jorulph, pointed a tree, "And put some warm clothes on."

They stopped at the tree and tied the horses reins to it, before diving in their bags, frantically searching for warm clothes, hopping to escape the bitter cold.

Their surrounding was very white, yet beautiful. The scene made the cold a wonderful place to be. Various snow animals darted across the frosty plain, leaving small footprints behind in the fluffy snow. Even the vast nothingness seemed interesting, and called Link to it.

"Just so you know," said Jorulph whilst pulling his tunic off, "Its so much colder it Learia. The cold weather in Learia makes this weather seem sweltering hot."

Link didn't like the sound of Learia.

"Why are you changing clothes then?" Asked Link.

Jorulph threw his previous clothes into his bag, and was now wearing warm, woolly attire.

"Learian-made." He said, "I hear you guys use Rito feathers? Anyway, to answer your question, I may have adapted to a harsher environment, but that doesn't mean I'm going to run around naked or anything. We Learians may not know how to feel any sort of pain, but we still get cold."

Jorulph hopped back onto his horse. Link finished putting on his Rito feather clothes, and got on his horse as well. They both urged their horses on, and followed the treacherous mountain path, which lead through the middle of the two towering mountains to the border control. Link couldn't help but fear that these mountains were going to fall on top of them, swallowing them whole, and creating a mound of a mountain. There was something enchanting about the mountains, as if they had various secrets waiting to be discovered. Link would've very much like to have trekked up to the top, and discover everything for himself.

"We're nearing the border control, get ready." Warned Jorulph.

Link could now make out the faint figure of a lone soldier, poised to attention on their side of the barrier. The barrier only stretched a few meters across, and joined to the side of wither mountain. They didn't need additional security, no one would be crazy enough to any other way, it was far too dangerous.

"ID." Demanded the soldier as Link and Jorulph came to stop at the barrier.

"I, Jorulph, am a humble guest of his majesty, and the captain of the Hyrulean army" He declared, "And this, Link, is a companion of mine, and is a royal guard for the royal family."

The soldier's eyes widened. He was in the presence of two men who had a higher rank than him.

"O-of course, sir." He stammered, before clumsily opening the Hylian side of the barrier.

Jorulph nodded to the soldier, and urged his horse onwards. They rode through the mountain passageway, before coming across another barrier.

"ID." demanded the soldier, though he had a knowing look on his face, and that saying those two letter was only protocol.

Link realised that this was a Learian soldier. He could tell by his different uniform and rough accent.

"Prince Jorulph of Learia." Jorulph declared.

The soldier immediately opened the barrier, without questioning Link.

"Good to see you back, your highness." Said the soldier.

Jorulph nodded, and once again urged his horse through the barrier, flanked by Link. Once they were a few feet away from it, Link saw a vast spread of frosty nothingness, barren and lifeless.

"Welcome to Learia." sighed Jorulph.

The terrain looked harsh and rigid. Link noticed that this side of the mountain looked like it wanted to kill you, as opposed to the Hylian side of the mountain which looked so welcoming.

"Its not much, I know." Said Jorulph, "But you can change that."

Link could make out the Learian castle poking out far in the distance.

"I didn't realise Learia was so... Dead." said Link.

"Which is why they need you." Jorulph said, "you're going to be their angel in disguise. The hero that they probably don't want, but most certainly need."

Link nodded, his nose red from the cold scratching at his face. There was only once thing motivating him on, and that was the hope that he could be united with Zelda.

"There's an inn some ways ahead," said Jorulph, "Its been a long day. Tomorrow: we head to central Learia."


Zelda was curled up on her chair, near the fire, with the book about Hylian-Learian history in her hands. She was wearing comfy pyjamas, and was staring into the flickering fire, a mug of a steaming drink on the table next to her.

To think Link was the Learian Prince!

Their meeting really must have been fate pulling the strings. Her, the Hylian Princess, falling in love with Link, the Learian Prince. Two being who were supposed to be sworn enemies.

Then again, Link was raised by Hylians, which Zelda found strange. How did the Learian prince end up in Hyrule? Link never explained, but maybe he would when he returned.

And there was a totally different matter. Link promised to return, but would he really? Maybe he would want to return, but maybe he wouldn't be able to. Maybe he'd have to stay in Learia and rule along side his brother.

Her heart ached for him. For Link. All she wanted was to be wrapped in his string arms and hear whispers of love in her ear. He'd been gone for merely a day, but it felt like an eternity. These two had braved the brunt force of overcoming laws to love each other, but now, it seemed as though there was another obstacle.

"Please come back, Link." She whispered.


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