The end?

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Jorulph casually flicked his head to the clock, then tutted to himself.

"Time to face your end..."

Link used all of his strength to lift his head up a bit to glance at the battered clock. It was half past six, and only half an hour remained. That half an hour was going to be used to prepare his death.

What a great way to die  Link thought to himself.

"It would've been much easier if you were drowned, but..."

Jorulph casually spun a dagger in his hands.

"Mother was too nice." He said with disgust.

Jorulph paced impatiently around the cell, before unlocking it, and roughly dragging Link out of his cell, his body as frail as paper. But sometimes, paper can still hurt you.

"If we're related by blood," Muttered Link, "Then we share weaknesses."

Jorulph looked down on him curiously.

"yes, yes." He said dismissively, "Anaemia, heart problems, every few generations or so: Huntington's, colour blindness..."

He continued to reel them off like they were no big deal. Link had to accept that they were related by blood, since Jorulph named multiple problems that Link had, and that apparently, most of his supposed family had.

"As for you, you are incredibly small for the average Hylian male." Noted Jorulph, "Probably due to the fact that you were born weak."

The last thing Link wanted to hear were  remarks on his height.

There was a loud bang outside the dungeon, then the sounds of hurried footsteps proceeded it. Jorulph snapped his head to the entrance, then shrugged and turned his attention back to Link.

"Get up!" he ordered, "Its time to meet your fate."


Zelda was kneeling on the floor, beside the door. Her knuckles bled from her frantic attempts to be heard, but it bear no fruit. She glanced over at the clock: quarter to seven. Link was probably getting walked down to he guillotine. There was nothing she could do now. She just wanted to be with Link. What was so wrong about that? Why did she have to dance to other people's tunes, why couldn't she dance to her own tune?

Then it came to her: the only solution left. She stumbled to her dresser, and pulled out the draw, spraying its contents all over the floor. She reached in, and pulled out a beautifully adorned dagger, given to her for decoration.  She held up the dagger with her shaky hand, and stared at it curiously. This was the only option left.


Kogam sprinted through the castle. He was the only one who could stop this, and had to, at all costs.


Jorulph dragged Link through the courtyard, and up the rickety wooden steps, leading to the glinting guillotine. The menacing blade reflected the light of the rising sun, casting an eerie orange glow on Link and Jorulph.

"Well, here we are."

Link couldn't care less. He was now a discarded shell of his former self, and killing him would probably be kinder.


Link tilted his head up to Jorulph, and to his surprise, saw the slightest tint of remorse in his eyes.

"I- I wish your fate wasn't this way..." He said, before returning back to giving Link a cold, disgusted stare.

"Now kneel down!" He ordered.

Link did as he was told, and carefully kneeled down, gently placing his head on the dip in the guillotine.

"At seven, you do it." Said Jorulph to the executioner.

The executioner was donned in black, with a blank expression. Link realised that they had the hardest job: ending the lives of people on someone else's command. They probably adapted to be cold hearted and emotionless to make the job easier.

Link glanced up at the grand clock on the wall. The second hand was ticking to seven. Forty five seconds. Thirty seconds. Fifteen seconds.

"Stop this at one!"

The executioner was just about to release the rope, but barely just managed to hold on.

The king marched into the courtyard, and walked up to Jorulph.

"Release this man immediately." Ordered the King, "He is of royal blood, and is, in fact, your own kin."

Behind the King, was Kogam, his face full of tension.

Jorulph nodded, and paced over to Link to remove the plank of wood holding his head in place. Link stared at Jorulph intently, and couldn't believe it when he saw relief wash over the prince's face.

Link tried to stand up as tall and straight as he possibly could. The king walked over to him, and placed a comforting hand on his back.

"My sincerest apologies for everything," Said the King solemnly, "What you have gone through is both barbaric and unfair."

Link mustered a smile, and trudged past him. Kogam had a broad grin painted on his face, and pulled Link into a tight, brotherly hug.

"You bastard!" He cried, "Don't you ever almost-die again!"

"Are you crying?" Teased Link.

"Shut up!" Snapped Kogam, before hugging link again.

"How did you know?" Asked Link.

"I heard you and Jorulph talking in the dungeon," Explained Jorulph, "So I ran to tell the King immediately."

"Thank you!" Said Link gratefully.

His smile then dropped.

"Zelda!" He gasped.

The King perked up his head, and looked almost embarrassed.

"Here, take this key, and uh... go get her from her room." He said sheepishly.

Link grabbed the key and sprinted up to her room with his new-found energy. He ran up the stairs, two at a time. He skidded to a halt outside Zelda's bedroom door, and bolted it open. He entered with a goofy grin on his face.

"Hey Zelda, I'm not de-"

He stared down horrifically at the floor, a pool of blood trickling through the gaps of the floor board. He slid on his knees, and held up her limp body.

"Zelda?!" He cried.

He looked down at the dagger, which laid helplessly in her hand, stained with blood. He heard hurried footsteps, and soon, Jorulph was stood at the door, with the same expression Link had.

"What happened?" He gasped.

Jorulph knelt by Zelda, gently touching her pale, chalk cheeks. His hand then moved down to her neck.

"She's still alive." He said, "Barely holding on."

Link heaved her up, and pleadingly stared at Jorulph.

"We have to get her to the royal doctor, immediately." Ordered Jorulph, "Or we'll lose her."

"Then there's no time to lose!" Bellowed Link, as dashed out of the room, leaving behind a pool of blood.

Hehe... Surprise...

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