A new language

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Link trudged over to Jorulph, who was waiting beside two horses, loaded with bags.

"Ready?" asked Jorulph.

"I guess..." Sighed Link.

"Said your goodbyes?" Jorulph asked.

Link nodded, he couldn't bring himself to speak. If he did, Link knew that too much of his emotions would be shown.

"You'll need to learn to control your emotions." Said Jorulph, as if reading Link's mind, "If you don't do it, then you'll jeopardise everything."

"I-I'll try." Stammered Link.

"Without further ado, lets be off." stated Jorulph.

He swiftly mounted his horse, an adjusted the girth of his saddle. Link gulped before doing the same.

"Have you packed warm clothes?" Questioned Jorulph, "The weather in Learia is extremely unpredictable. One day its hot, the next day you're chattering your teeth."

"I've packed everything." Replied Link.

"I guess you have." Said Jorulph, "You're not coming back, are you?"

Link wanted to loosen Jorulph's girth, and watch him gallop across Hyrule with his head scraping on the ground. Link knew Jourlph wanted to get under his skin, to see if he had started to control his 'emotions'. Jorulph stared at Link expectantly, awaiting his reaction.

"Lets go!" Urged Link defiantly.

Jorulph smiled to himself like a proud parent who just witnessed their child accomplish a great feat. Jorulph kicked his horse into a gallop to catch up with Link.

"Like I said, the journey to Learia is a long one." Said Jorulph, "We'll be making many stops, unless you want to get their quickly."

"Lets just get it over and done with." Mumbled Link.

"Very well," Sighed Jorulph, "We'll get to the mountains by the end of this day, then we'll go through tomorrow, stop for the night on the other side, then make our way to central Learia. If everything goes according to plan that is. I'll say four days tops, but if the plan goes well, three. Obviously we've got to think of the horses as well, they're carrying us and the bags, and are travelling long distances."

Jorulph's horse neighed as if it were agreeing.

The two men were nearing the gates of the castle, which would allow them out and into Castle Town.

"Open the gates!" Ordered Jorulph.

The gates swung open and revealed the jostle of Castle Town. People were going about their daily lives, the same routine everyday.


Kogam came running up to Link, arms outstretched joyfully.

"I realised I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." Kogam called out.

Link smiled and jumped off his horse. He pulled Kogam into a big hug, and slapped his back. Kogam laughed and did the same.

"What is it with you and getting into crazy situations?" Laughed Kogam.

Link shrugged.

"Its in my blood." He replied.

Kogam playfully punched his arm.

"Well, stay safe." he said, "Don't let anything get to your head. And I don't want to be seeing you with a sword in my hand."

"Yeah, because you know that'll be your end." Scoffed Link.

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