Revenge gone wrong

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"Wake up!"

Link opened his eyes to be smacked in the face with a pillow.

"Hey..." groaned Link.

"What is it with you  and sleeping?" Asked Kogam," I'm sure you would sleep for one hundred years if you got the chance."

Link got out of bed and put on his uniform.

"Yeah, I would." Link laughed.

"So, how was last night for you?" Kogam asked.

Link shrugged.

"You were with Zelda, weren't you?" Teased Kogam.

"Yeah, and there was this strange girl, Princess Iphea, who forced me to dance with her." Said Link.

"Iphea!" Exclaimed Kogam," Why her and I-"

"You two are so in for it!"

Kogam and Link turned around to see a short knight standing at the doorway.

"What do you mean?" Asked Link.

"Jorulph knows about you two leaving your post last night." Said the knight.

Kogam walked up to him and pushed him against the wall.

"What did you tell him, Ibo?" Asked Kogam through gritted teeth.

Ibo was a short, bespectacled man who seemed pathetic in appearance. The only reason that he was a knight was because he barely passed all of the tests, but Link and Kogam, along with the other knight, looked down on this man with disdain, and sometimes, pity.

"I just said you were frolicking around with Princess Iphea." Said Ibo.

Link gave a sigh of relief.

"Of course I left out Link sneaking off with Zelda, but I could go -"

"No! You little weasel!" Exclaimed Link maliciously.

"Why would you do that?" Demanded Kogam.

"I wanted my revenge that was long over due." Leered Ibo.

"Revenge for what?"

"As if you don't know!" Cried Ibo," it was always you two. Everyone loved you, despite how stupid you both were. All the girls loved you, the teachers, the parents, everyone! At school, if someone wasn't up to your standards, you would dunk them in the toilet. The number of times I had to spend the school day stinking like wee! Not to mention the girls always talking about you in the lunch hall, about your good looks, your muscles, gosh, it made me angry! On top of that, you disgusting pigs always races to see who could get the most girls in a week."

"Oh yeah! I beat Kogam with eleven once." Laughed Link," but our good looks and muscles aren't our fault."

"It doesn't matter. You'll learn your lesson now." Said Ibo.

Kogam laughed.

"We got into so much trouble before. This will just join the long list of telling offs." Said Kogam

Kogam and Link high fived each other whilst laughing cheekily.

"Link, Kogam!"

Link and Kogam stood to attention as Jorulph marched in.

"Yes, sir!" They said in unison.

Jorulph looked down on them with disgust.

"I have word that you two left your posts last night..."

Link and Kogam smirked at each other.

"Both of you were messing around with Princess Iphea." Said Jorulph.

"Actually Iphea forc-"

"Silence!" Snapped Jorulph,"leaving your post to mess around with one Princess is bad enough, Link, but you on the other hand had the guts to lead Princess Zelda, my fiancé, away from the ball."

Kogam shot a quick glance at Link, whose face was painted with worry and shock, then he glared at Ibo, who was shaking his head frantically.

"I haven't informed the King about this, yet, and normally these matters are dealt with by him, but..."

Jorulph pushed Link into the practise arena. Kogam and Ibo gasped.

"What did you do!" Said Kogam through gritted teeth.

"I didn't tell, I swear." Cried Ibo.

Link stumbled into the arena. Jorulph walked over to him and drew his sword.

"Now fight like a man!" Shouted Jorulph

Link stared at him, then drew his sword.

"And if you two dare to intervene, you can face me next." Jorulph warned Kogam and Ibo.

Jorulph turned to Link, who stood tall, sword in hand.

"You honestly think you can beat me?" Leered Jorulph.

Link took a fighting stance.

"Very well." Said Jorulph.

The two circled around each other, waiting for their opponent to make the first move. After a while, Jorulph yawned and lunged at Link, who dogged out of the way.

"Jorulph, let's not fight." Pleaded Link.

"So you can meet my fiancé in secret, but not fight me?" Said Jorulph.

"She wasn't your fiancé until last night!" Exclaimed Link.

"You were seducing the princess of Hyrule, trying to lead her down the wrong path, this brining Hyrule to ruins." Announced Jorulph

"So it's a crime to love someone now!" Cried Link.

"It's a crime for someone as lowly as you to love a princess. You're just a knight, a knight who has no place in a Princesses life."

Jorulph lunged at Link again, who swiftly dodged the attack.

"Fine, have it your way." Mumbled Link.

Link tried to slice at Jorulph, who barely blocked the attack. Jorulph then used this chance to kick Link, who fell to the floor. Jorulph pointed the sword at Link.

"Pathetic." Leered Jorulph" looks like this little charade comes to an end here."

Jorulph struck Link with his sword, who tried to roll out of the way and stabbed Jorulph in his shoulder. Jorulph stared in shock at Links sword thrusted into his shoulder then collapsed onto the floor.

Link was shocked at what he did and stared at his hands, which were covered in blood. It wasn't just Jorulph's blood, but his own as well. He looked down at his stomach, which was spurting a lot of blood.

"Link. What did you..."

Kogam stared at Jorulph on the floor.

"Ibo, go get help, Jorulph is losing way too much blood." Ordered Kogam," Link... take her, and run. Run away. It's your only option, and hers too. I can't cover for you, I'm sorry, Jorulph will tell them anyway."

Link clutched his stomach and nodded.

"Good luck." Whispered Kogam," You rascal, get out of here, both of your lives depend on it!"

Hehe, that was dramatic, and Link has finally got into his senses and is going to run away with Zelda. What could possibly go wrong...

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