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"Behold: Central Learia!"

Link cast his eyes on a dreary town, full of people milling about, without aim. Jorulph wasn't kidding when he said the citizens needed help, the people were living in literal slums. Then, Link caught sight of a magnificent castle, with many glistening turrets and a mile long drive. It seemed that all of the money was used on royalty. It scared Link to see the defined difference separating the town from the castle. He could literally draw a line from where the town ended, and the castle started.

"Our castle is better than yours." Said Jorulph.

"Yeah but our town is a damn sight better than this." Scoffed Link.

"And are you going to fix that?" Jorulph questioned.

"I'll certainly try."

They rode their horses through the town, and Link saw the horrors of daily Learian life. Bodies hung from poles, limp and lifeless, children ran around naked, scrambling for the little commodities they could find, blood smeared across the streets, single mothers begging people who passed by, who could barely afford to look after themselves. Jorulph said that many riots happened here, and Link guessed that the blood stains and corpses were souvenirs from them.

"Horrible, I know." Jorulph said, answering what Link was thinking.

"Please! Please young man, help us!"

A woman in rags grabbed onto the hem of Link's tunic, and displayed a row of skinny children, dressed in potato sacks.

"Get off him!" Bellowed Jorulph.

Link held up a hand to quieten him, and jumped off his horse, allowing himself to be lead to the row of children.

"All yours?" Asked Link.

The woman nodded.

"My husband was killed in the most recent riot. We could barely afford to feed ourselves whilst he was still alive, but now..."

The woman sobbed into a make-shift handkerchief.

Link patted her on the back reassuringly, and crouched down near the children.

"Please sir." One piped up, "Help us."

Link looked at them with pity, and fished around in his pocket, producing a silver rupee. He handed it over to what seemed to be the eldest child. She looked at it as though it were an alien object.

"What's this?" She asked.

"A silver rupee, its worth one hundred rupees." replied Link.

The girl shook her head and handed the rupee back.

"Thank you, but that's no good here, even if you were to give us citetos," explained the girl, "We'd have no where to use them. Nobody has any supplies to sell."

"Citetos?" Mumbled Link.

"Its our currency here."

Jorulph came to his side, and crouched down near the children, giving them a large loaf of bread. The children took the bread eagerly and ran to show it to their mother.

"Thank you so much kind sir-"

She looked at Jorulph with disbelief, and started to slowly back away.

"I mean no harm!" He called out, "I'm only passing through, and I thought you might need the help."

"We need no help from you!" She spat, "You left us to strive for ourselves, and we will accept no help from 'royalty'."

She said the word as though it made her sick. Link looked around to see various Learians gather around them.

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