A Warrior by birth

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Link was stood at a balcony, overseeing the vast expanse of Hyrule. He was now donned in royal attire, a dark blue tunic with golden trimmings. He hadn't been able to leave Zelda's side since Link took her to the doctors, so Jorulph suggested that Link should have a break, whilst he looked after the princess.

Link couldn't help but notice that Jorulph had changed since he revealed Link's true parentage, as if Jorulph had a huge weight taken off his shoulders. But now, that weight was only placed onto Link, a sinking feeling that had plagued him since he found out. What bothered Link the most was why his father, or at least the man who brought him up, never uttered a word about his true family. Right now, Link felt abandoned, neglected and lied to.

"So, prince Link, huh?"

Link turned around to see his best friend, grinning at him childishly. So maybe he wasn't totally abandoned, after all.

"How does that feel?" Asked Kogam curiously, like a child asking an adult how it feels to be a grown up.

"Honestly... I have no idea." Laughed Link.

"Don't you feel like you have power at your fingertips?" Asked Kogam in awe, wiggling his fingers.

"Oh yes!" Exclaimed Link, "The power to control you!"

"Hmph! What are you going to do?" teased Kogam.

"I order you to ask out that girl you're always staring at, at the bar!" Said Link in a deep voice.

"Nice try." Said Kogam, unamused.

Link shrugged.

"It was worth a shot."

"So, how's Zelda?" questioned Kogam.

"Jorulph is watching over her right now."

"Hey!" Said Kogam, "Look, I know he's your brother and all, but can you really trust him? I mean, he tried to kill you!"

"I don't know..." sighed Link, "I know this is crazy, but he seemed different after he told me. He seemed relieved, and he looked almost sad when I was about to get the chop."

"He's just luring you in!" Burst out Kogam, "How can you trust a monster?!"

"I trust you..." Replied Link.

"You're hilarious..."

"Maybe we should give him another chance?" Suggested Link.

"He. Tried. To. Kill. You!" shouted Kogam, "Why should you give him another chance?!"

"I want to find out more..." mumbled Link, "I want to know about my real family."

Kogam placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"You have your family right here." he said hopefully.

"No! I mean yes! I mean..."

Link rested his head in his hands, staring at the horizon.

"I just want to find out who I really am, that's all..." he said.

"I understand." Said Kogam, "I should probably get going."

He slowly backed away from Link, and walked away, leaving Link to wonder if he was making the right choice or not.


Jorulph stared down at the princess, calm as the tranquil river. He wondered if things could be different know, seeing as how Link knew the truth. He wondered if they could finally get along. He wondered if he could finally have the little brother he wish he always had.

Their father had always told him to never reveal the truth to Link, if they were ever to cross paths. His father insisted that it was for the best, but know, Jorulph could see that Link knowing the truth was actually for the best. It saved his life. But left the princess fighting for hers.

Jorulph gently placed his hand on hers.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Jorulph had been brought up to be a stone-hearted fighter, with the only intention to kill and control. He had his childhood snatched away from him. His toy figurines replaced with a sword; His blanket replaced with a shield. His father already had the disappointment of abandoning one weak baby, and didn't want his first-born son to be the same. Throughout his life, Jorulph had learned to show no emotions, or sympathy, the hard way, and was only twelve when he was brought along to his first war. Twelve in age, but his body and mind were beyond his age.  His mother always objected to Jorulph's upbringing, protesting about how she didn't want her only son to be a monster. Her protests bear no fruit, and ironically, both of her sons turned out to be cold-hearted warriors.

Jorulph wondered if Link was the one who ended up having a better upbringing. He managed to be fierce, yet showed compassion and love.


He glanced down, to see Zelda's weary eyes focusing on him.

"Hi..." he said sheepishly.

Zelda shot up, wanting to pummel him, but then held her chest in pain. Instead, she clasped her hands around his throat.

"Why you monster!" she screamed, "what the hell are you doing here? How could you dare to keep me alive when you had the guts to kill Link. You-"

Link burst into the room, a look of concern on his, seeing Jorulph turning purple in the face, and Zelda with a look of madness in her eyes.

"what on earth is going on?"

Zelda immediately let go of Jorulph, who was left choking for air.

"Its a ghost!" She cried, "I'm sorry Link, I couldn't save you. I tried. I really tr-"

Link walked over to her, and kissed her.

"Why did you do that?" he scolded, indicating her bandages.

"I wanted to be with you!" she cried.

"By killing yourself?" he said, outraged, "I almost lost you."

She sobbed into his chest, as Link gently stroked her hair. Jorulph stared intently at the two, before slowly getting up.

"I should probably leave you two for a while..." he said cautiously.

"Why don't you leave us forever!" snapped Zelda.

Jorulph looked slightly hurt by her statement, but shrugged and left the room.

"Link, how come you're not..."

"Dead?" he finished, "Don't worry about that now."

Link sat down on her bed, and rubbed gentle circles on her back, whilst Zelda rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll never let this happen to you again." he whispered.

She's OK! Not only that, but we've learned a little bit more about Jorulph, too! I hope you're all enjoying the story, despite it being absolutely trash!

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