Past Love

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Jorulph and Link were sat at a table eating breakfast, after resting for the night, and were preparing their journey to central Learia.

"What do I do, or say?" Asked Link.

"You do or say nothing," Replied Jorulph, "We can't have my father knowing who you are."

"But won't he find my appearance... suspicious?" Questioned Link, "I mean, we look quite similar."

"Yet you, nor anyone, noticed that." He chided.

Link wanted to argue back, but he knew that Jorulph had a point.

"Who am I going to be, then?" Asked Link, "You told me to be a prince."

"I change my mind!" Said Jorulph hastily, "Just... Forget about that. I've only just realised that if my father knows that you're his son, then he'll get suspicious. We can't have any sort of suspicion if this plan is going to work."

"You seem to have it all planned out." Mumbled Link, toast stuffed in his mouth.

"I do have it all planned out." Said Jorulph, "Now finish that last bit and we'll get a move on."

Jorulph spooned up the last of his breakfast and got up, waiting for Link to do the same. Link stuffed the rest of the toast in his mouth, which caused him to choke, and left Jorulph to thump his back.

"My goodness!" Jorulph muttered, "Learia must be pretty desperate if they're going to rely on you."

Link staggered to his feet and followed Jorulph out of the inn, which was the Learian equivalent of a stable. Outside of the inn, Link saw two men trading punches, with glass bottles containing a bit of a substance swishing inside.

"Everyone is so violent in Learia." Stated Link.

"Its in our blood." Shrugged Jorulph.

Was that the answer to most thing in Learia? Every time Link noted a certain personality in a Learian, Jorulph would just casually reply with, "Its in their blood".

"Why do you always say that?"

"Say what?" Said Jorulph.

"Say that its in their blood?" Asked Link.

"Because it is." Replied Jorulph as he mounted his horse, "We believe that someone's personality is determined by their blood, and Learian blood is very violent and cold. And often gets smeared across roads and walls."

Link wasn't looking forward to his stay in Learia. He didn't even know why he was going along with this. It was as if some strange force was dragging him to Learia, and he had no control over it.

He needed a distraction.

"I am in lo-oooo-ve with her!" Link sang, "She has e-eeee-yes like the wild. I lo-oov Zelda more than a-aaa-nything. She makes my h-eeaa-rt go mild."

"Can't you sing anything else?!" Snapped Jorulph.

"This is so bo-oring." Sang Link, "This is so use-ahh-less. I do-ooo-n't like you. You are a co-ooo-w."

Jorulph bared his teeth, and Link just wrinkled his nose back.

"We're getting closer, are you ready?" Called out Jorulph.

"This is all for Zelda, so lets do this!" Said Link.

Jorulph rolled his eyes and sighed. He tightened his grip on the reigns, and stared straight ahead. Link let his arms dangle helplessly down the sides of his horse, and buried his head in its neck, still exhausted from their long journey, exhausted from what he was yet to do.

"I don't get how you can be so in love with her." Said Jorulph.

"Why, have you never been in love?" asked Link.

Jorulph's grip was now so tight, Link could see his hands shaking.

"Well..." said Link.

"We don't speak of that." Muttered Jorulph.

Link laughed childishly.

"So you are in love!" He teased.

"Was." Corrected Jorulph, then smacked himself in the head for doing it.

"With who?" Urged Link.

"None of your business."

"What happened." Carried on Link.

"Watch out..."

"Was it why you have no heart now?" Asked Link.

"That is it!" Yelled Jorulph, "I've had just about enough of you! You're so annoying, asking questions that  have nothing to do with you, yapping on about your 'oh-so-special' relationship with Zelda!"

Link was taken aback by his outburst, and looked down at his hands, trying not to look at Jorulph.

"Something must've happened..." He mumbled.

Jorulph sighed.

"Well, yes..." Said Jorulph, "I... Was in love. She was the prettiest, funniest, kindest person I had ever met."

He sighed dreamily.

"She made me so happy," He carried on, "Whenever I was with her, I felt all of my worries being lifted off, and whenever my father dragged me into his wars, I was always motivated to do it for her..."

"What happened?" Asked Link.

"Then, she started to act really strange, as if she forgot that I existed, then.." Jourlph braced himself, "I found that she was with someone else..."

Link gasped.

"That fuelled me with jealousy and rage," He carried on, "I wanted nothing more than to make her, and her boyfriend feel pain. And so I did. I killed them both. I had never been the same since. Every war I went to, I'd slaughter everyone in their tracks. Everyone feared me. Everyone but my father, who looked down at me proudly. And all because I was filled with rage."

Link saw Jorulph bow his head down. He wanted to reach out to his older brother, to tell him that everything was alright. It seemed that the more Jorulph revealed, the more Link started to pity him, and forgive him for everything.

"I'm so sorry." said Link solemnly.

"And that is why I can't take the throne." Said Jorulph finally, "I know I've said it many times, but I must emphasise the point."

"Its ok, I get it," replied Link, "You need someone full of love and compassion to rule Learia."

Jorulph nodded.

"Well then, I'm perfect for the job." Smiled Link.

"Ok, we're almost there." Jorulph said hastily, "Just a bit more to go."

"Honestly, I'd think I guy like you would have loads of girl fawning over you." Link said randomly.

"What? because I'm the Prince?"

"No because you're..." Link went slightly red in the face, "Well, you see, we're brothers, so we look alike, right? Well, lets just say that I'm very handsome..."

Jorulph sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Its not all about looks, you know." Jorulph called out, "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face."

"Oh, ok, Mr Philosophy." Link mumbled.

"How about you save your voice for when we get into town?" Jorulph snapped, "I'm sure the towns people would sing a song about it."

Link gasped excitedly.

"I've got one!" He cried, then cleared his throat, "Link, he come to town , come to save, the Learian people-"

"Shut up!" Jorulph shouted, "You are easily the most annoying person ever!"

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