A big step

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"You're awfully quiet, Zelda..." remarked Jorulph.

Zelda and Jorulph has been walking through Hyrule field, heading towards the spot Jorulph had picked out for the picnic.

"Is everything ok?" Asked Jorulph.

"Everything is fine, thank you."

"I heard about the tremendous amount of pressure put on you to find a husband. I'm terribly sorry about that."

Jorulph gave Zelda a reassuring smile.

Could it be, Jorulph is actually being nice? Maybe first impressions aren't everything. Maybe Zelda was wrong about Jorulph.

"Um... Jorulph, may I ask about the royal guard, Kogam?" Asked Zelda.

"By all means." He Said.

"Well you said that youth was holding the junior knight, Link, back from rising the ranks, yet Kogam is a royal guard, and is the same age as Link." Questioned Zelda.

Jorulph looked down at his feet, then back at her.

"These things cannot be explained princess..." he said cautiously.

"Very well." Zelda replied bluntly.

"Ah, we're here!" Exclaimed Jorulph.

Zelda stared out in awe at the view. Jorulph wasn't lying when he said the the view was beautiful. Scattered around were some Silent Princesses, along with a variety of other types of flowers.

"Do...You like it?" Jorulph asked carefully.

"It's beautiful!" Exclaimed Zelda," You do know how to handle a lady."

Jorulph smiled, and set up the picnic blanket. He then rummaged through the picnic basket, and pulled out various types of food, and laid them out.

"Take your pick, it's like a buffet." He Said with a flourish.


"I am not wearing this!" Exclaimed Link.

"Come on, it's our only way in..." pleaded Kogam.

The two boys were hiding behind the walls of Gerudo Town, and were trying to find a way in.

"Link, we not going to come all this way, just to have to turn back because your too scared to wear some Gerudo clothes." Said Kogam.

"Fine..." Said Link grumpily," don't tell anyone about this!"

"Oh, I won't..." Kogam replied cheekily.

Kogam waited as Link went to get changed. Link return a few moments later, wearing the Gerudo set. Kogam stared at the cross dresser for a moment, before bursting into a torrent of laughter.

"You... Look... Ridiculous!" Kogam Said out of breath from laughter.

"I think I look pretty..." started Link.


Kogam and Link turned around to see a Hylian man standing a few feet away.

"My, I've never seen a girl so beautiful!" The man said in awe.

Kogam sniggered, and Link looked at him for help.

"Oh uh... I'm going to have to ask you to back off." Warned Kogam," He's- I mean she is my girlfriend, so..."

"Of course a girl like her is taken..." Said the man, dejected," Why was I kidding myself... goodbye."

The man walked off, hunched over in rejection. Once he was out of sight, Link and Kogam made eye contact, and started laughing.

"Gosh, this disguise works well!" Remarked Link.

"Right, back to business, go into the Noble Canteen, grab a few drink, come back out." Said Kogam ," don't get... uh... distracted..."

Link gave Kogam a wink, and strutted off. Kogam wolf whistled as Link walked off.

"Hello," Said Link in a high pitched voice to the Gerudo guards.

The guards eyed him up suspiciously, so Link smiled at them with all the cuteness he could muster. Link then gave and ear piercing whistle, which was the signal to Kogam that he had got in.


"Thank you, Jorulph, for this amazing picnic." Said Zelda.

"No problem, and thank you for an amazing time." He replied.

The two smiled at each other. It seemed that Jorulph had redeemed himself, and the two were finally getting along, but this was just the beginning...


The day has passed by so quickly for Zelda. It was safe to say that she had fun in Jorulph's company, but now it was time for the part she was looking forward to the most: the meeting with Link.

She was strolling through the garden, as she did the night before, this time knowing there was going to be company. Zelda heard a few grunts coming from somewhere, then a figure jumped in front of her.

"Oh, I almost jumped on to you!"

"Hello, Link." Said Zelda.


Link took a seat on the bench they sat on the night before and Zelda followed suit.

"How was Gerudo Town then?" Asked Zelda.

Link went crimson.

"It was... alright." He replied," uh, how was your day?"

"It was fun!" She said," Jorulph took me out for a picnic, it was great."

Link's face fell slightly, but hen he smiled.

"That's great..."

"Why did you want to meet me here?" Asked Zelda.

"I just wanted to see you again." Link said softly.

The two looked into each other's eyes. Link took Zelda hand in his.

"Zelda, we've barely know each other, but there's something about you that just... Zelda, I-I think I... I think..."

Link gave up on talking, and just leaned in towards Zelda, placing his lips on hers. He held for a moment, Zelda placing her hands on his shoulders, but then Zelda pushed him away.

"Link, I can't..." she said with anguish," I can't be with you, this will just make this marriage business so much harder for me."

Zelda was on the verge of tears.

"I cannot do this, I need to find a suitable husband before my eighteenth birthday, someone who my father will accept. I'm sorry Link, this just cannot be."

Zelda walked off, wiping her eyes, and left Link sitting there, dejected.

She was right, who was he kidding. He could never be with the princess of Hyrule.

Aww, my boi Link is sad. Oh well, hopefully there's a silver lining to this...

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