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It's times like this that Choi Youngjae wanted to get a coffee, but instead he's sitting in a small room staring at his client of today; a young girl who is handcuffed, crying and looked to have seen better days prosecuted of first degree in the stabbing of a popular Lawyer.

The youth looked so scared, timid, breakable not at all a criminal nor even screamed 'Guilty' but sadly looks can be deceiving even if a killer looks harmless, still Youngjae instantly knew she didn't kill anyone but even with his knowingness he remained professional.

"Listen sweetheart I'm going to be honest, not going to sugarcoat anything because this is life and life is fucked up. You won't last one day in prison, you might as well be thrown in like a lamb to slaughter and sadly many people want that for you" a flinch, a sniffle and more sobs, Youngjae frowns wishing that he didn't have to be talking to the innocent girl, but he had a job to do so he had no choice.

To quench his guilt he inwardly chanted 'Get it over with' until he was sure of himself to continue.

"You were coming home from your after school program, talking on the phone with your mother of last Friday night on November 15th, 6:00pm correct?"

A shaky nod.

"A claim that you were suddenly grabbed and pulled into the dark alley near your building where you say Mr.Won demanded for you to strip and grabbed at your skirt to rip it, correct?" he knew he was bring up bad memories since the girl choked up, made him hate himself for making her relive that night.

'Just get it over with' he kept saying and cleared his throat "Moving on, Mr.Won tried to rip your skirt but you fought back, with attempts to scream but nobody came to your rescue which with desperate attempt to save yourself you remembered that you had a razor in your bag that you use for...cutting"

The girl nods "Y-yes...I used it to slash his left arm"

"Which didn't kill him but made him let you go and have enough time to run away, but then there's the knife" Youngjae says lowly as his eyes locked on the girl's shaky form as she shakes her head " wasn't me! I didn't do it! I-I didn't!"

She's hyperventilating, eyes bloodshot, voice hoarse from crying and body trembling Youngjae expected her to pass out given her fear and anxiety.

The door opens and Jackson enters with a frown, police uniform crisp with his badge showing.

"Times up" he says in a solemn tone and Youngjae nods watching as his leader gently helps the girl up to her feet, her immediate response was... let's just say Jackson had to knock her out with a small 'Sorry' 

"Shit this kid will kill herself if this case doesn't go well" he says as he scoops the small teen up, she's light as a feather a sign that she wasn't eating, Youngjae stands up his eyes on the girl's tear streaked face "Her case will succeed hyung"

"If you're leading in then yes, it will" Jackson says with a knowing smile before there's a knock on the door and the two ravens are turning to see Lim Jaebum with a briefcase in hand "Hey" he greets with a smile.

Both members of GOT7 nodding in acknowledgement "Hey JB-hyung" they greeted with smiles, Jaebum looking at Youngjae "We're needed" knowing what the older was referring to Youngjae nods and looks at Jackson "I'm going, but please make sure she isn't thrown in prison overnight"

"I'll pull some strings, I'm sure Rosé will be of assistance too" Jackson says with a smirk and both males leave, the two walking side by the correctional facility.

"Your client had a panic attack didn't she?" JB says with a look of knowingness.

"You saw?" the Youngjae asked the broader male with a quirked brow. 

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