Knock Knock Knock Here I come

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For some reason Yoongi had a weird feeling, ever since Namjoon left him in the kitchen after telling him that he owes him two questions the raven sat alone with an unreadable expression.

The Daegu boy staring nothing for a while still processing the events that just occured, he had a few moments of fearful thoughts swarm in his head one wondering about the two questions that Namjoon would ask of him before he snapped out of it and picked up his and Joon's plates to wash it. 

He grabbed some dish liquid soap, the towel that was draped on the side of the sink and began to wash both of the plates, the quietness of the kitchen  comforting as he cleaned, the warm water easing the tension in his muscles.

Once that was said and done the Daegu boy decided to get another banana milk, the taste of banana good and mouthwatering to him in an odd way since he never really bothered to drink that flavour before.
As he snagged another carton his eyes looked at everything in the refrigerator already thinking about what to eat for later on.

'There's some rice, garlic, there's also chicken hmmm...'
he wondered what he could do with those ingredients.


Namjoon had entered his room minutes ago and was on his bed looking through his phone, so far there weren't any messages and the blonde flipped through several contacts with boredom, a knock on the door breaks him out of his musings "Yeah?" he calls and looks up to see Taehyung in the doorway, his brother dressed in an off white buttoned shirt, with loose pants and sandals a brown baret on his head and a satchel over his right arm.


"Hey, going to class?"
he nods "Yeah so I'll be see you and Suga later on tonight" the younger make replies back with a smile, Namjoon nods "Alright, stay safe and learn lots of cool stuff on catching baddies like your big bro~"

Taehyung rolls his eyes at his brother "Haha very funny Joonie" Namjoon chuckles "Hey I'm serious" he says with a look of sincerity "Learn everything you need to know about catching people like me, you're the only one I can trust to do that"

The raven haired sibling frowns "I know" Joon can see his eyes dim and sighs standing up from his bed "C'mere baby tiger" he beckons and Tae approaches, the younger letting the blonde haired male grab him behind his neck in a hug, their foreheads toughing, Namjoon takes a deep breath his eyes locked with the others.

"Stay strong, show no fear and do what you know you gotta one day do"

That being said he releases his hold on Taehyung who nods curtly albeit sadly before he turns and walks out his brother's room, but before he does he sighs "I'm a hypocrite you know? Learning about the law but went against it. If anything you shouldn't trust me with something that you and I both know shouldn't be do everything by me"

He doesn't need to turn around to see Namjoon's face hold knowingness, not even when he wants to.

Namjoon's Pov

Tae leaves, shit I should've never said anything. It's not my fault he's so damn sensitive when it comes to hearing the truth, still maybe he was right, I shouldn't trust him to learn about criminology it's not like he'll be able to do much with it against me.

Still I wanted him to, because if he couldn't then I'm afraid something will happen where he'll be dragged in. I'm a killer, Jungkook and Hoseok too, Jin-hyung use to be one but used his family connections to get out of the streets, he helped Taehyung too. I'd never forget last year when shit went south for us, never forget how things chan–

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