His Moto

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One thing about street life is that you learn skills on how to make money and survive, sometimes it was best to be quick, intelligent, charismatic but straight to the point, at least that's what Hoseok believed.

The pink haired male stood against a building, once again night had came and he was part of it, wearing a white hooded sweatshirt a pair of baggy black sweats and J's on his feet his hair being the highlight of his business.

Men, women, even underage teenagers approaching once in a while for a fix, which he gave after being given the right amount of money. Baggies of eight-balls
and bundles of weed exchanged without a word, it was the same routine every night and the pinkette did it effortlessly.

He whipped out a Glock 22 at the sound of footsteps approaching, eyes narrowed as he stared at a familiar face with magenta hair "Hope"
the bunny-toothed male greets unafraid of the weapon aimed at him
"The fuck Kookie, do you want me to shoot you?"

The other male grins "As if you'd shoot your lover~" he says teasingly, instantly jumping back when the pinkette fires a warning shot in front of his feet "Kidding, I was kidding" Jungkook says with arms raised in surrender, Hoseok's eyes still narrowed but he puts the firearm back in his pocket.

The two males stand in silence, side by side watching as bystanders pass by, a few prostitutes offering them a fun night which both declined.
Finally after moments of silence between the two, Hoseok sighs "What did you come here for Jeon?" he asked finally looking at the magenta haired male who had approached him.

Jungkook shrugs his shoulders "No reason, just saw you dealing and-"

"And you either came for a fix or to annoy right?" Hobi days with a knowing look, the bunny-toothed male shook his head "Actually I'm here with news"

"Whatever you have to say Jeon I don't want to know. Unless it's to do with one of my trades going wrong, or a dealer who is challenging my business" the pinkette drawls with an uncaring look.

Jungkook grins "Oh I think you'll like this Hobi, it's to do with Namjoon's guest" at that the other male's eyes glinted and a smirk graced his handsome features, eyes gleaming as he looks interested.

"I'm listening" he says to the magenta haired male with full attention who chuckles "Well he's cute" Hoseok's eyes narrowed at that "Cute?" Jungkook nods "Very cute, short too around Jiminie's height" the pink haired male nods at that his face sti...

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"I'm listening" he says to the magenta haired male with full attention who chuckles "Well he's cute" Hoseok's eyes narrowed at that "Cute?" Jungkook nods "Very cute, short too around Jiminie's height" the pink haired male nods at that his face still holding curiosity "Anything else?"
he asked and the other nods giving it some thought.

"Monster's protective of him, though I didn't get much of a chance to process much since I was...."

"Fucking Taehyung" Jungkook looked at the pinkette who was smirking "Oh come now don't look so surprised, it was obvious that you were going over to Joon's house for some hardcore fucking, especially since you said that Tae texted you because he was running out of weed and wanted you to get some. You slipped because
you could've simply bought a baggie from me but you didn't"

Jungkook gritted his teeth at the slip up "Damn nothing gets by you huh Hope-hyung?"

"Damn right, I have eyes and ears in the back of my head and I don't miss anything unless it's nothing to do with my units, deals and cartels" the pinkette says with a grin, the magenta haired male can tell he was proud of his intellect and smiles "That's why I respect you Hope, why I'm proud to be your partner"

The pinkette scoffs "Well the feelings not mutual Jungkookie, and the intel on Namjoon's...guest isn't good enough for me to go on either. In fact you wasted valuable time that I could've been dealing" he grumbles ignoring Jungkook's offended look "Hey, at least I came with something"

"That something is nothing, what did you not see anything at all but Tae's ass while you were over at Joon's place?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what occured to make it happen" the magenta haired male replies and Hoseok quirks a brow at that "What are you going on about now?" he questioned the other, Jungkook looks back at him his eyes holding contemplation before he sighs "Apparently Monster snapped at him"

Hobi's eyes widened slightly "He snapped? Did Joon hurt him?" he asked sounding interested by this newfound information, Jungkook shook his head "From what I saw no, at least not physically. He had been crying in his arms but he was unconscious, I asked what happened but you know Joon, short answers and early dismissals, not to mention that Taehyung was in a foul mood so that made him unhappier to have my presence in the house" he explains to the pink haired male who processed what he said at first looking calm then annoyed by the end of it.

"Dammit Kookie that's still not good enough to go on" he says after a beat of silence, the bunny-toothed male nods knowingly "I know" he admits with a nod, the pink haired male sighs pulling out an eight-ball baggie "Hey what are you doing?" Jungkook asked watching the male kneel down on the ground, tearing the bag and pouring the white contents out.

"You do know that you're not supposed to use any of the stuff you deal to people right?"

"Shut up Kookie, I'm the one who makes these deals and cartels, think I fucking care about the rules when I'm the one in position to do as I fucking please?" Hoseok growls as he digs into his pocket pulling out a few BDO gold cards, with skills of a pro, he begins to scrape the coke until it was in a straight line.

Jungkook watching as the man leans down, places his finger against his right nostril and breathes in along the white line of cocaine, the satisfied moan that escapes as Hoseok relishes in the euphoric sensations sends a small shiver down the magenta haired male's spine as he watches as the pink haired male stands back up.

"Alright then" he begins shaking hands arms and working the links out of his neck "Since you said Joon snapped and this Yoongi guy is the reason, I guess I'll be making a trip over to see him"

Jungkook heard Hobi say and looked worried? Yeah the magenta haired male looked very worried but for Hoseok? Not likely, Yoongi? Maybe maybe not "You sure you want to do that? Namjoon's pretty adamant about anything dealing with the streets entering his house, especially if you're coming over to check out his guest"

Hoseok rolls his eyes "Oh please, it's Joon's fault for bringing a stray in his home and it's your fault for bringing me bullshit information, whatever happens it's all because of two fucked up situations pertaining to me visit there. Besides" the pinkette smirks "You say he's cute right? I wanna see how cute if he managed to get Monster so docile"

Without another word he walks away, Jungkook watching the pink haired male with weary eyes, he would've joined the other in his quest but he felt that if he did, he'd be killed by an angered Kim Namjoon.

'Shit this isn't gonna end well'

Okay so I know I said I was gonna get right into Yoongi and Namjoon asking each other questions and getting to know each other, but I wanted to incorporate a little bit on Hoseok and Jungkook's work of the night life, as you guessed Hoseok is a dealer and a very powerful one but more is to be discovered as well get to the real fun real real soon.

So buckle up sunshines, shits about to get real! And depending on what is said in the next chapter or Chapter 16, you just might find out something about a certain someone~😏😈🌻

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