Hang in there!

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Hey guys, I've been working on Save Me Before I Fall and I want to thank you for reading it so far. Listen, I've been having some hard times this month with losing friends and feeling like a piece of shit since I started college three years ago. Over those three years I stopped going on Wattpad losing inspiration to work on my studies and stay on top of things.

I had major social anxiety, I still do because of past bullying and used to suffered from self loathing. Ever since 2015 to now I've tried staying positive and productive to keep my mind off of self harming and I've witnessed many of my friends doing it unable to stop them even when I begged. Some just didn't listen and took their lives as of last year, others dropped me in my last year of college because "I cared too much" But that's what a real friend does, care! Sadly they didn't want me caring.

I'm writing Save Me Before I Fall not just because I'm putting myself in bits and pieces. But I want those of you who feel like you don't mean shit to me or other people who care about you, that you're still loved! That I will always love you! That you are strong because you cry, that it's okay to be vulnerable just as long as you're breathing and still got breath in your body! Who fucking cares about what people say about you, people talk they'll talk about you even in death, we all just gotta deal with it.

So to all my sunflowers slowly withering, stay strong! You are strong and you have so much to live for so please stay with us. For those writers out there who give their all and for those who have yet to. Keep holding on. Hold on! Just hold on!

I hope you enjoy Catch Me Before I Fall, stay tune for tonight's update.

I hope you enjoy Catch Me Before I Fall, stay tune for tonight's update

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