Part II

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It Has been a while my sunflowers, far too long since I last updated, some of you may've read Play Me Like A Chess Piece and disliked it, that's okay I did too. In fact it was a total failure, and yet I can't say it was all bad, just a terrible way I handled things.

But that's fine, because I'll be taking my time with Book II, and slowly progressing it, some chapters will be fixed while others will be less dramatic and all over the place. Know that I suck at writing romance but I'll give it a shot in this story, so please don't get upset and hurt when I can't write a fluff story without adding some hardcore smut or angst.

I hope y'all enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend and are lots, please stay safe and be aware of those around you, lots of disappearances have started happening and it's getting more and more dangerous to walk home. So please my sunflowers protect yourselves and those around you.

Can't wait to start Book II 😁🌻

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