I Need It Bad (Re-edit)

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~Attention readers, this chapter will contain glorious TaeKook smut near the end. If you don't like BL or are a fluff reader this story is not for you. If you're an Top Jungkook bottom Taehyung hater or Top Taehyung bottom Jungkook hater, then kindly leave this story. If you don't like me that's fine, just respect me enough not to report me for making a smut on VKook. For you sinful smut readers enjoy~

Previously on Save Me Before I Fall...

Does this mean you'll remain with Tae and I?" Namjoon asked Yoongi with a hopeful look.

Yoongi nods "For a bit" he says.

"Will you be trusting me with the knowledge of what can trigger you?" the blonde pressed on, Yoongi looks to be thinking it over before shaking his head with uncertainty "I don't know yet" he replies back.

'He didn't say no' Namjoon inwardly says with a small smile and he nods "Alright, tell me at your own pace sweetheart." he says before his eyes darkened again "But if you ever feel the urge to cut or take your life again you come to me or Taehyung got it? I'm warning you don't you ever try to kill yourself again. There's too much shit in this world for you to cut it this short"

"Yeah like what?" Yoongi asked with a look of curiosity but challenge, he watches as the blonde smirks at him the look sending shivers down his spine for unknown reasons as he stares.

"Stay alive long enough to find out"


"Stay alive long enough to find out"

Namjoon says, enjoying the look in the blonde's cat-like eyes, he turned to leave "I'm gonna get some take out, you wanna come or stay here with Tae?"

Yoongi looked at Namjoon thinking it over "Stay here, my arms still hurt so I'll be too weak to help you carrying the food" he admits. The blonde chuckled "Cute, but I wasn't asking you to carry any bags"

The raven nodded "I know"

"Then Come with me sweetheart, unless you really don't wanna go and just offered to be nice" Namjoon says with a teasing look, the raven grins "Guess you caught me, I was offering in hopes I didn't sound rude"

"But you are rude sweetheart, you're letting me leave the house alone with nobody to talk to" the blonde points out with a fake hurt look, Yoongi rolled his eyes "Oh please, as I recall two days ago you left me to get take out, them you left me to the clutches of your brother"

"True, but I had a reason for leaving"

"Which is?" the Daegu boy asked watching as the taller male shook his head "Later, let's get to know each other more before I tell you that"
Yoongi scoffed at that statement
"Says the guy who holds me like a lover"

"Not my fault you're so damn cute" Joon grumbles as he leaves the room, Yoongi hearing him knock on a door having a feeling that he was telling Taehyung that he's heading out, the raven hearing heavy metal echo throughout the room, the Daegu male smirking at the choice 'Avenged Sevenfold? Kids got some taste' he thinks with am appraising nod before his ears pick up the sound of knocking.

"Joon the door!" he shouted for Namjoon but heard nothing from the male "Namjoon the door!" she tried again but still got no response, Yoongi sighs leaving the comfort of the bed and knocked on Taehyung's door.

Save Me Before I Fall Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon