Rain pours on the unlucky

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In the cold and dark streets of Daegu where violence and death is known throughout the news, sat a shivering lump partially covered by a ripped green blanket, a mop of black hair that was unruly and full of split ends belonging to such a pale skinned guy you would think he was a vampire or albino from how ivory his skin was.

The footsteps of bystanders passing him, not giving a damn whether the poor guy was half dead or alive, mutters of insults flew from several but the guy didn't care, too busy shivering from the cold.

"Hey there" a voice of a tall man with slicked back black hair dressed in a black tailored suit addressed the black haired male, the only response he got was a dark hollow cat-eyed expression "What?" the shivering boy growled at the newcomer who dared to speak to him, the man smirking "You homeless? Need a place to stay?"

His voice is taunting, teasing it made the other grit his teeth and eyes darken "What do you think asshole?" he bit out, Daegu accent slipping through his chapped lips as he glares at the smug looking guy.

He watches the man's smirk grow and became more irritated "The fuck you smiling about?" he sneered and the man chuckles "Oh nothing much, actually" he strides towards the shivering boy kneeling just enough to be on eye level "I was just about to ask if you would like to come home with me" he says and the darkened glare turned sour "You want what?"

"You heard me"

"I did and I don't do that shit, so if ya think I'm gon letcha have ya way with me then get out my fucking face" the black haired male says with as much bite in his voice, despite the cold and the fact that it was raining he wasn't about to let this poser have his way with him just to sleep warm.

The man didn't seem to like what he heard and gritted his teeth, eyes narrowing "The fuck you say?"

"You heard me" the boy retorted in the same tone the other had spoken in, the man bristled "Fucking bitch, forget you then" he says as he stands and hobbles away grumbling "You're probably a bad fuck anyway"

The black haired male says nothing, he just wraps more of the blanket over himself and tries to keep warm despite the freezing cold rain pouring, his body shaking and stomach growling but he ignores it, too busy trying to keep warm.

'This shouldn't have happened' he inwardly says while shivering, his fists holding the front of the blanket, his breath uneven, nose red and eyes drooping slightly, the thunderous roar of a thunderclap making him jump slightly as passengers walk by without showing some compassion, the poor guy.

Footsteps were heard again the boy didn't look to see who it was, his only expression being shock when he felt something hit him and looked down to see a wad of cash right at his bare feet, with shaky fingers he picks the cash up expecting it with scrutiny.

"That right there is 150,000 won" he looked up with his dark cat-like eyes "I said I ain't sleeping with ya"

"C'mon" the man from before ushers "I'm giving you money, the least you can do is show me a good time"

"Hell no" the black haired male growls with disgust "I ain't letting you fuck me like some cheap whore, take your money and go" he says and throws the wad of cash at the man who looks livid at the rejection not bothering to pick the money up "You don't need the money?"

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