Blood money (Re-edit)

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This chapter will contain depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts and depression near the end. You have been warned so if you don't want to read the last bit you can skip it. None of this is real but these are based on real life events and situations so please don't report if you don't like and don't hate me. Thank you

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You know the fucked up thing about secrets? If you don't tell a person you trust entirely about what you did to make a living, they can end up dead. A bitter lesson Kim Namjoon's learned dealing with power bosses all throughout Incheon. The blonde haired male smoking a blunt between his fingers with hooded eyes that's seen all and remains unbothered.

He's seen it all from drug deals to human trafficking, the blonde male ignoring the screams of a rape or the sickening sound of fists hitting flesh of a poor bastard who crossed the wrong person, the taste of marijuana heavy on his breath canceling out the cruel world.

He's seen it all from drug deals to human trafficking, the blonde male ignoring the screams of a rape or the sickening sound of fists hitting flesh of a poor bastard who crossed the wrong person, the taste of marijuana heavy on his breath cancelin...

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"Yo Joon" a loud but deep voice calls out, he turns his head seeing a young male with pink hair covered by a black ball cap and round brown eyes. He like Namjoon is dressed in a black shirt but instead of sweats he's wearing ripped black jeans with black sneakers "Sup Seok?"

"Are you here for a fix? Did something happen? Did you not get paid correctly?" Namjoon shook his head approaching the pink haired male "Nah I got paid earlier today, just came here cause I was two hundred won short, what about you?" the blonde asked with a raised brow.

The shorter male shrugged his shoulders "Just got paid by some teen stoners, who just bought the last bag of weed so I'm chilling while waiting for Jiminie to come get me" the pinkette admits.

"Can I have a hit?" the taller of the two nods giving him the joint, the male grinning as he takes the hit inhaling before exhaling letting the smoke flow out his mouth "Shit that's good" he says as he takes another hit.

"Hey you said a hit" Namjoon grouses.

"A guy can change his mind" the pinkette says with a laugh as he takes another hit, this time coughing "F-fuck it's strong" he says between coughs as he looks at the brown rolled up blunt.

"It's weed what'd you expect?" Namjoon says as he snatches the blunt watching with a smirk as the pink haired male's eyes droop and a dopey heart-shaped dimpled smile grows on his lips "Shit I'm feeling that"

"Got your buzz for tonight?" Namjoon says with a snicker, the other nods albeit languidly "Hell yeah, by the way how's Taehyung-ah?"

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