Let's get this show on the road

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Namjoon's Pov

I woke up looking out my bedroom window to see the sunset, it was pretty and vibrant a nice show of purple, blue, soft yellow, hot pink and salmon.

Sitting up I work the links out of my neck before yawning, my thoughts muddled as I processed everything that happened before I dozed off.

•Min owed Bangtan 52,300,000

•Hoseok called me telling me that Yoongi had a breakdown

•I texted Jimin and Taehyung to get here before dark

Those three things happening before accidentally getting beer all over, taking a shower and changing my sheets before finally knocking out without a care.

There was a knock on my door "Yeah what is it?" I asked slightly still tired, the door opening and Jungkook enters the kid half asleep

There was a knock on my door "Yeah what is it?" I asked slightly still tired, the door opening and Jungkook enters the kid half asleep

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"Monnie..." he murmured softly and I knew he was barely holding on so I rub my eyes "Hey Kookie, you okay?"

He nodded and tiredly approached me, my eyes catching sight of a bite  mark on his neck 'Probably Taehyung' I thought as Jungkook plops right on my bed dead tired "Sweeeeeeepy~" he mutters lowly and cutely as he snuggles close to my pillows, I let him knowing that he needed as much rest as possible since Taehyung practically ruined him last night.

"Alright go to sleep, I'll get you when
it's time for the meeting okay?"

"No....sweepy...." he whines and that's when I realize what I'm dealing with,  I would've said something but heard quickened footsteps running from down the hall "Kookie!...Kookie!" Jin's voice broke out and I nearly jump when my door is once again opened this time by my frazzled friend who looked like he just ran a marathon.

"Joon" Jin-hyung's eyes look from me then to Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully.

"Joon" Jin-hyung's eyes look from me then to Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully

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