I Have Some News~

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Jung Hoseok sighed as he walked down the halls of his newest company Baseline, designer shoes clicking with each regal step he took "Boss a Mr.Kim is here for your scheduled meeting" one of his men from Gwangju; the man who he appointed as his head of accounting department two months ago; Gun informs and he nods.

"Send him in, also have Moon look into these documents before five" Hobi says handing the other Gwangju male a file, Gun nods curtly and begins to type on the laptop on his desk, Hoseok's retreating footsteps the only thing besides his quick typos being the only things heard in the room, the pink haired male walks into his office where a grinning Kim Namjoon sits across his meeting table.

"Yo, I was beginning to think you were too busy to talk" the blonde haired male says with a dimpled smirk, Hoseok returning a matching one as he saunters towards his friend "Not likely possible to be busy for a partner in crime who is my boss and leader now is there"

The taller male snickers "Now now, just cause I'm your boss in both the under and business world doesn't make me heartless to you Seok, I'm just here because I have some news"

"If it's nothing to do with Kun-ban stealing from me, then don't tell me" Namjoon's smirk grows on his face "But it is, you see Mochi was able to find out where he'll be~" Hobi's eyes light up.

"I'm listening"

The blonde chuckles softly "C'mere" he beckons with his hand for the older to approach and lend him his ear, Hoseok does waiting for Namjoon to speak the Gwangju man patient as his friend speaks.

"My sources says that there's a party-"

"No not another damn party" Jhope grumbles pulling his head away from the blonde in annoyance "Wait let me finish before you flip out" Namjoon begins stopping the protests before any can escape the older man's mouth, the pinkette simply lets out an aggravated groan but remains quiet silently giving the blonde the 'okay' to continue.

Namjoon grins "As I said before there's a party going on, Kun-ban will be partaking in a weapon's trade with a few men from Gangdam." he informs the pink haired male who snorts "Yeah okay and what's so special about the trade with random men from Gangdam?" Hoseok questioned perplexed with his friend's smile looks even more demented.

"Those men are HIS subordinates"

The Gwangju man froze at that, mouth agape and eyes wide "Wait...you mean PSY?" he breathed out in a low but still clear voice Joon nods "That's right, apparently Kun-ban owes the old man a few things and to compensate he's going to-"

"Sell my weapons to that bastard!" Hoseok fumes already knowing what Kun-ban's purpose of stealing from him was all about "That son of a bitch took my weapons just to resell them! And what's the worst he's selling them to the Godfather himself do you know what this means?"

"Yeah, you'll finally flip your shit for once" the blonde laughs out, a cold glare is his reaction "This is serious Namjoon! I'm fucked if that guy gets my shit, for fucks sake I put my initials on every weapon from firearms to blades as proof of each one belonging to me, just like I mark my drugs before shipping them off"

"Relax hyung, there's nothing to worry about. Jiminie's already handling it"

"How? There's not much he can do even with the skills of a hacker if the agreement to handle the trade has been planned, if anything the best option is for me to get Kun-ban's whereabouts so Moon, Gun and Baekyun can take him out" Hoseok says as he sits down at his desk, punching the bridge of his nose completely irritated.

Namjoon can sense the headache in his friend forming and shakes his head "Listen Hoseok" he begins dropping formalities, the pinkette doesn't reprimand nor takes offence to it as he looks at the blonde haired gangster "I know you're pissed, after all nobody loves nor can handle money like you. And the mention of this fucker stealing and reselling your product to someone you and I equally want dead is even more reason to be, but trust me when I say that Jiminie's handling it"

"Again I ask how? He can't tamper with the agreement between Gangdam's district and Kun-ban" Hobi says with a sigh, Namjoon nods "True, but what if both Kun-ban and Gangdam's district are at the same place he'll be in"

That makes the dealer of Bangtan look back at the blonde, Joon's calm face giving him a silent confirmation of what he already guessed "The meetings at Serendipity?" a confirmed nod.

"The meetings at Serendipity" Namjoon says with a grin, Hoseok blinks at that, realization in his eyes.

Oh the meetings at Serendipity...
Serendipity being the strip club Jimin both owns and occasionally works at during the night.

Hoseok felt less angry and more relieved, he chuckles but soon chuckles turn into insane laughter that he can't even hold back, the pinkette throws his head back as he holds his stomach that hurts but he's too amused to care.

Namjoon smirking at how deranged his friend looks laughing, watching as the tenseness leaves his body leaving a stress-free Hoseok in its wake, the pink haired male sighing as he rakes a hand through his hair chuckling lightly, eyes now focused on the blonde haired male.

"So" he starts as he gets up from his chair, walking around his desk to stand in front of the taller gangster.

"When's the party?"

The tanned male chuckles at the question staring his grinning friend in the eyes, the dimpled smirk back on his own lips "Tonight, midnight"

Hoseok hums licking his lips "Looks like I'll be attending this party all"
he says with excitement, eagerness in his eyes at the thought of killing and taking back what was rightfully his.

"Not exactly" Namjoon says stopping all excitement from the other man who looks at him confused "What do you mean not exactly? Wasn't the point of you telling me this shit about the trade an order to kill those fuckers in Jimin's club?" Hoseok questioned.

Namjoon snickers "Yes but it's not for you"

Hoseok would have questioned his friend confused by the taller male's words, he turns around when there's a knock on his door "What is it?"

"Uh boss, Min and some other guy are here for you" Gun says, his head peeking through the door, at his subordinate's words Hoseok shoots Namjoon a glare knowing what he meant, his suspicions were confirmed when the younger of the two smirks, Hobi sighs "Send them in" he says without looking at Gun.

The male nods closing the door, the second he does Hoseok is tearing into Namjoon "What the fuck did you do Joon? Why is Stray here? Who else is with him?" He demands an answer from the tanner boy, his leader and friend's eyes locked with his "I didn't do anything you'd dislike, since Yoongi is a proficient asset to this mission just as much as you"

"True he is, but who's wit-"

The door opens "Yo" was the greeting the two men got from a bored looking Min Yoongi who enters the office first, a tired eyed Jeon Jungkook entering i
next, dyed black locks falling in between his eyes "Hey Mon-hyung, Hope-hyung" he greets with a small wave.

Namjoon smirks at the two males "Hey, glad you two can make it Yoongi, Jungkook"

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