Getting Started (re-edit)

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Jhope's Pov

I woke up with a first my phone vibrating in my pants pocket, Jiminie groans next to me "What is it?" he asked and I shrug pulling my phone out to check who was contacting me so damn early in the morning, my eyes narrowed when I see it's an unidentified caller.

I press the ignore button and try to go back to bed but that damn phone started vibrating again "Answer it" Jimin grumbles and I grunt annoyed that I had no choice but to answer it "Who the fuck is it?"

'Boss, gotta bit of a situation' a man's voice that I knew as one of my man says and I'm instantly sitting up in bed ignoring Jimin's annoyed grunts "What situation? Why are you calling me at this hour?" I ask trying to keep my voice as low as possible since I knew Jiminie was listening.

'It's about the trade with Min...'
my interest is piqued after that
"Go on" I usher him to say more and what he tells me has my blood boiling.

'Min has offered 19,000,000₩ for the supply of cocaine and marijuana'

"19,000,000₩!?!?!?" I was sure I woke the house if Jimin's startled yelp didn't signal "How the fucking hell-Did you agree to the deal?" I asked and I can hear a hitched intake of breath.

'Boss we-' yup that's all I needed to know "Did you make the deal?" I asked again this time I was gripping my phone almost in a bruising hold 'Boss we d-' he was panicking and I wasn't having it my temper flaring

'Boss we had no choice'


'But boss that's all Min offered and he even said that you agreed to 19,000,000₩' my henchman says and that just pisses me off even more "You know damn well I'd never agree to a mere 19,000,000₩ trade! Especially with a CEO who has yet to have his ass reared in by loansharks!" I say emphasizing 'CEO' letting him know that he fucked up.

"Hobi-hyung what's wrong?" Jimin asked but I was too preoccupied yelling to care, the door of our room swinging open "Hoseok, Jimin you guys okay?" it was Namjoon who spoke, he, Jin and Yoongi in the doorway.

"Do we look okay? Hobi-hyung's flipping out!" Jimin shouts the same time I'm shouting threats and profanities at my foolish henchman.

"You had one job! One fucking job and you mean to tell me you agreed to 19,000,000₩ what happened to the 14,000,000₩ with it? Who the fuck told you fucktards to agree to a measly ninetee-you know what I'm heading over right now, and you best hope to a higher power that an explanation is given for your fuck ups!"

I end the call getting up from the bed, my body tense and rage getting more and more unstable "Hoseok what-" Joon begins to ask but I look at him, he must've seen my eyes darken because he's frowning "What happened with the deal?"

The deal, fuck I didn't even want to tell him because I was already upset but I couldn't keep this from him, not my best friend and boss.

"Min tricked my men into thinking we agreed to 19,000,000₩"

Namjoon's eyes darkened at that and I knew he was just as pissed off as me "Oh did he?" his voice is deep and threatening "Looks like we'll be starting our plans early"

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